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發表於 2018-5-31 06:03:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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All systems are ‘go’ for the Grand New Amsterdam Town Day Street Fair today along Main Street. The town is expected to see an influx of visitors for two major events being held today: the Town Day and the Roman Catholic Church Grand Family Fun Fair on the church lawns, Main and St. John Streets, New Amsterdam. That event has been described as the biggest family event in Berbice.And all systems, too, are in place for the hosting of the Fair.According to Town Treasurer, Sharon Alexander, more than 75 spots of stalls have been filled and it is expected to be a grand affair today. And if you are worrying about security, you should not, since Ms. Alexander has revealed that 30 ranks from the Guyana Police Force will be on duty to supplement the Town Constables.In years past,Arian Foster Dolphins Jersey, there have been numerous robberies,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey, altercations among individuals,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, even a shoot- out or two during Town Night activities. This resulted in the police shutting down the event earlier than scheduled.“We have enlisted the services of the police and they will have 30 ranks on the road and some of our constables will be out,” Ms. Alexander told Kaieteur News yesterday.“(Town Night) is usually closed when persons just come out on the road to behave bad or cause a riot. We asked them to run it until 23:00 hours, because the vendors complain that they close off too early.”Yesterday, Main Street was becoming a hive of activity as many bars were already up and running as others were setting up their stalls along the road shoulders. Some clothing stalls were already selling as well as cell phone stalls.“We have some craft, bars,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, people with clothing; the telephone companies Digicel coming to showcase phones; food; some persons will be having trampoline games for the kids,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys,” Alexander revealed.“We’re trying to tidy up today [Friday] just to ensure that nobody occupies any spot that wasn’t given to them and we don’t have any confusion in terms of people vending to other people’s spots.”New Amsterdam Town Week was launched on Sunday on the lawns of State House in the town and is being undertaken this year solely by the Mayor and Town Council under the patronage of Mayor Claude Henry.The event is being celebrated under the theme: ‘Embracing our diversity; uplifting our community’, proceeds of which will go towards the restoration and landscaping of the town’s only cemetery,Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys, the Stanleytown Cemetery, the resting place of thousands in Berbice over the years. The town is one of the oldest in the country, becoming a municipality in the year 1891.

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