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發表於 2018-6-3 18:37:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The relatives of four-year-old Ambeka Providence,Wholesale Air Max Tn, who was killed last month in a horrific Sheriff Street accident involving two motor vehicles, are peeved that they were not given any updates on investigations into the matter.The drivers involved in the fatal accident have not yet been charged as the police, having completed investigations, are still awaiting advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). This is according to a Senior Police official.Abiola Trotman, the dead girl’s mother, who was also injured in the accident, said that she has not received any information on the probe, despite placing several calls and visiting the police station. The grieving mother said that she has also had no communication with the driver of the SUV, who was allegedly drunk when he slammed into a vehicle in which she and her daughter were travelling.The driver of the SUV has since been identified as 21-year-old Heeranand Boodhram, of First Street, Sachi Bazaar, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown, has since been released on station bail.Providence’s grandmother stated that while she was in the vehicle with her daughter and grandchild when the accident occurred, she has no recollection of what happened. She said she has been reading conflicting reports in the media about how the accident happened.She however added that the story being told by the SUV driver is a “lie”. “There is a God. You could run from man but you can’t run from God. Let him be truthful,” she said.The woman added that her daughter still has not come to grips with the loss of her child and would constantly look at the little girl’s photographs.According to reports, Providence, her mother and a relative were returning home by car on September 10, last, after visiting the Giftland Mall when tragedy struck. It was reported that the accident occurred at around 22:00hrs when an allegedly drunk driver rammed a Toyota Tacoma (SUV) into a car on Sheriff Street. Based on reports, Providence and her family were in the back seat of vehicle PMM 1426, which was proceeding south along Sheriff Street. The driver then stopped at the Sheriff and Garnett Street junction. It was in this moment that the SUV, which was reportedly heading north on Sheriff Street, struck the side of the car. The four-year-old girl was flung through the window of the vehicle and onto the roadway.She died on the spot.Contrary to reports, Boodhram in an interview with Kaieteur News said that it was the car in which Providence was travelling that caused the accident. According to Boodhram, he was heading north along Sheriff Street, when the car the family was in, exited the Royal Castle parking lot located at the junction of Sheriff and Garnett Streets and headed west along Garnett Street and “jumped” the traffic light, colliding with his vehicle.He recalled seeing Providence seated in the front passenger seat of the motorcar and not wearing seatbelt. But previous reports indicated that the four-year old was in the back seat of the car with her mother and the relative.Police has said that a breathalyzer test performed on the SUV driver revealed that his breath alcohol content was above the prescribed limit. However, Boodhram has denied driving under the influence.

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