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-if no solution, matter will be handed to Int’l CourtGuyana will have to wait another year before it could take Venezuela to the International Court of Justice over a border controversy that has heated up within the last 18 months.(L-R)- Venezuela’s leader, Nicolas Maduro,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, UN’s Chief, Ban Ki-moon and President David GrangerFollowing a number of aggressive moves by Venezuela, Guyana complained to several world leaders and countries, including to outgoing Secretary-General of the United Nations,Cheap Adidas Sneakers Online, Ban Ki-Moon.Last year October in New York, at the United Nations headquarters,Nike Air Max 95 Sale, the UN chief, who is due to step down in a matter of days, brought both President David Granger and Venezuela’s leader,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Nicolas Maduro, together in an effort to find a solution to the brewing situation.Venezuela, last year May, revived a simmering claim to mineral-rich Essequibo, Guyana’s largest county.Venezuela’s aggression would have come days after Guyana voted in a new Government in early general elections and about the same time that US-owned Exxon-Mobil announced that it struck oil in Guyana’s waters. Venezuela also claimed those waters.In the ensuing row,Air Max 97 Buy Online, Venezuela ended an oil-for-rice deal, made under the Petro-Caribe arrangements, with Guyana. Venezuela is now facing severe internal turmoil. Observers believe that Maduro is using the border controversy to divert attention from current situation.Yesterday, the Office of the Spokesperson of the United Nations Secretary-General issued a release on the decision of the Secretary-General on the Guyana and Venezuela border controversy.In essence, the statement said that the UN will give the Good Offices Process a try for another year and then if the two countries fail to agree on a solution,Nike Air Max 2018 Release, the matter will go to the International Court of Justice.President Granger, a historian, has made it clear that Guyana will settle for nothing less a juridical settlement- in the international court- once and for all.He had insisted that the Good Offices Process has failed to make progress over the last 25 years.Meanwhile, yesterday, Government issued a statement on the UN decision saying it has accepted it.“The Secretary General of the United Nations acting under the 1966 Geneva Agreement has informed the President of his decision to give the ‘good offices’ process one last period of twelve months, that is to the end of 2017.If, at the end of that period, the Secretary-General concludes that significant progress has not been made towards arriving at a full agreement for the solution of the controversy, he will choose the International Court of Justice as the next means of settlement, unless the Governments of Guyana and Venezuela jointly request that he refrain from doing so.”

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