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發表於 2018-6-13 15:15:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– says furniture factory operating in violation of residential guidelineA resident of Non Pariel,Mens Nike Free Run, East Coast Demerara, has moved to the courts seeking an injunction to suspend the operations of a furniture-making establishment in the community, citing environmental hazards.The resident, Nirmala Heralall, of Lot 72 Section B, Non Pariel, is seeking to have the court insist upon the Ministry of Housing the need to intervene meaningfully in the matter, since the transport for the property prohibits any industrial activity in the community.In a letter to PNCR Member of Parliament Ernest Elliot, Heralall detailed her experiences as a result of living near the furniture-making establishment, and called on him to use his office to have the matter amicably resolved.According to the transport, no chemical (toxic or non-toxic) shall be stored in the building on the said lot, and the said building shall not be used for any activity of an industrial nature.But, according to Heeralall, her neighbour has been operating the woodworking establishment for the past three years,Air Max 97 Womens, much to the annoyance of those around him.This is despite several attempts to have the relevant authorities intervene.Heeralall, a school teacher, said she has written to the Environmental Protection Agency,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes, the Central Housing and Planning Authority,Cheap Nike Air Max Plus, and the Regional Democratic Council, but nothing has been done.She had even moved to the court to address the matter, but,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, instead, the businessman was granted a time guideline to operate his business.While she is not against the establishment of the business, she is of the view that such business should be done after the required environmental assessment is ventilated and approved.She noted that the Guyana Power and Light Incorporated has been providing electricity to the establishment, in violation of the transport requirements.“I have been told that GPL treats the establishment as a business and not a workshop,” she said.Heeralall explained that, apart from the noise generated by the furniture-making establishment, she and her family has had to endure a severe amount of dust and fumes from the spray painting equipment used by the factory.She pointed out that the Coldingen Industrial Site is a mere stone’s throw away, and the businessman should seek to relocate his activity there.“I do not have anything against the establishment and the owner earning a living. This area is not zoned for such activity. The industrial site is nearby, and he should go there,Adidas Superstar Shoes On Sale,” Heeralall said in her letter to the Member of Parliament.

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