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[健身] Cheap Mens Jordan Sneakers While the Guyana Apiculture Society









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發表於 2018-6-14 00:01:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While the Guyana Apiculture Society (GAS) is continuing to execute their duties throughout the country in the removal and extermination of bees,Air Max 2018 Shoes, some of its members are unhappy with reports that they have not been functioning as they should.Karl Persaud, Chairman of the GAS, told Kaieteur News that the society’s job is not always an easy one, and more often than not, difficulties arise.He said that on a number of occasions employees are injured during the process.Over the past six years,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, six men died while trying to assist in getting rid of the bees at various locations.According to Persaud,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, one man was almost burnt when he tried to get rid of the hive at Cane Grove,Mens Nike Free Run, Mahaica a few days ago.The bees from this hive were responsible for the death of the elderly Moonia Sanicharra who was stung to death while climbing her mango tree.Kaieteur News was also told that Persaud and a team had visited a home in Plantation Hope, West Coast Berbice (WCB), less than a week ago to assist in getting rid of the Africanised Killer Bees that were attacking nearby residents.“We went there and did the job free of cost as charitable work because the family had contacted me a week before and I visited to inspect the place. I told them I would come back and I held a meeting with my colleagues who all agreed we’d do it for free,Nike Shox Gravity Black,” Persaud said.It was inadvertently stated that First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar was somehow involved in the process that led to Persaud and his team visiting the area.“We have never had any conversation with the First Lady or any Government body to do this,” stated Persaud.“We removed two colonies from the house. I received a call from a woman claiming to be a Pinky Persaud and her husband named Govinda and she said they didn’t have the money to pay. We didn’t take any money, not a dollar for the job,Air Max 97, I just want it cleared up.”This newspaper understands that a number of beekeepers and members of GAS were at the home from 09:00 hr until after 17:00 hours trying to remove the two colonies.It was described as a very difficult yet successful job.

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