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發表於 2018-6-14 04:27:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Boldin's decision to retire coincides with what he witnessed during the anthem before Buffalo's preseason game at Philadelphia on Thursday. Eagles defensive end Chris Long showed his support by putting his arm around cornerback Malcolm Jenkins, who stood in silent protest with a raised fist. Bills backup lineman Cameron Jefferson was so inspired by what he saw that he also raised his fist on Buffalo's sideline.
The recent deadly and racially charged conflict in Charlottesville, Virginia,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, did, however, become the tipping point that caused Boldin to reassess his priorities and led to the Buffalo Bills receiver's decision to retire after 14 NFL seasons.
"I tip my hat to him," said Quin, one of several NFL players who joined Boldin in addressing Congress last year. "One day, we'll be able to look back on it and say, 'That was the start of something great.'"
The NFL's 2015 Walter Payton Man of the Year, Boldin is no stranger to activism and humanitarian causes. He oversees the South Florida-based Q81 Foundation, which offers educational support for underprivileged children.
He has lobbied for criminal justice reform at the state and federal levels since his cousin was killed by a plain-clothes police officer along the side of a Florida highway in October 2015.
"I think anybody with any sense can see how divided we are as a country, and Charlottesville only magnified what we were already seeing," Boldin told The Jerseys NFL Wholesale Associated Press by phone Monday.
Boldin spoke a day after abruptly informing the Bills he was retiring some two weeks after signing a one-year contract with a base salary of $1.75 million,China NFL Jerseys.
Boldin ranks in the top four among active receivers with 1,076 catches, 13,779 yards receiving and 82 touchdowns receiving.
"Do I feel like I can still play? Of course,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale," Boldin said. "My passion for the advocacy work that I do outweighs football at this point, so I'm not coming back to play for a contender or to do anything else. I'm done with the game of football."
"You have your players crying out for help. That's the reason why guys are taking knees during the anthem," he said.
"I will not feel safe leaving this earth and having my kids have to live in the America that we have today."
Boldin then challenged NFL owners and executives to use their clout to demand change and back many of their players who are already doing so by Cheap Jerseys Online protesting during the anthem,Authentic NHL Jerseys.
ORCHARD PARK,Cheap NFL Jerseys, N.Y. (AP) — Anquan Boldin didn't decide overnight he was going to quit football in order to speak out against longstanding concerns over inequality in America.

Difficult as it was to walk away from football, Boldin felt he could no longer stand silent on the sideline.
"Just because we're professional athletes doesn't mean we're exempt from the things that go on in society," Boldin said, noting his position as an athlete couldn't save his cousin from being shot.
He also discounted the notion he might reconsider retirement and choose to play for a contender later this season.
"There's not enough money in this NFL Jerseys Online world for me to continue to allow the things that are going on to continue to spread," the 36-year-old father of two boys said.
The former Florida State star spent his first seven NFL seasons with Arizona, then played three years with Baltimore and three with San Francisco. He helped the Ravens win the Super Bowl in February 2013.
"I think it's absurd to tell a person to stick to playing football when the issues that he's talking about Jerseys From NFL Jerseys Cheap China are affecting him," he said.
Lions safety Glover Quin credited his former teammate for having the courage for ending his career while knowing he can "have a bigger impact to do something else."
Earlier in the day in an interview on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Boldin said his decision to retire had nothing to do with the Bills trading their top receiving threat, Sammy Watkins,wholesale jerseys, in a pair of blockbuster deals on Aug. 11 , or how the team's offense struggled in a 20-16 preseason loss at Philadelphia.
He was disturbed by the hateful messages directed at African-Americans, Jewish people and the LGBT community during a rally involving neo-Nazis and other right-wing groups in which a counter-protester was killed and two Virginia state police officers died on Aug. 13.
"If I'm an owner and I see one of my family members — players — hurting, I'd do whatever I can to make sure that my family is OK."
He spent last season with Detroit, where he had 67 catches for 584 yards and eight touchdowns in 16 games.
A day later, Boldin feels he made the right choice and pays no mind to those who suggest he simply stick to sports.
"That's not the America that I want to live in," he said. "And I think the only way that this America changes is that we as a people stand up and change it."

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