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Air Max 97 Undefeated Black reading exercise.“From the beginning year









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發表於 2018-6-14 15:21:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Celebrates 104 years as an Archive Yesterday marked World Literacy Day, and coincided with the 104th anniversary of the establishment of the National Library.Chief librarian of the National Library, Gillian Thompson, explained that throughout the years, the institution has sought to preserve and foster Literacy in Guyana.Members of the Lions Club,Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale, students and teachers of Thomas More Primary school participate in 15 minutes, reading exercise.“From the beginning year, we held several competitions, quiz,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Sale, debate, champion readers, essay and short story competitions, with public school, inmates of correctional institutions all in quest to encourage reading especially amongst the teenagers. We had our award ceremony in August, where the winners walk away with hampers just to encourage reading.”Thompson held that the use of technology has resulted in a decline in the level of literacy and contributed to significant decline in young readers.“The shortened form of  writing that is  the internet language contributes to the decline of the use of books  so  we don’t mind if the children use the internet to research, the computer, tablets,  Ipad, nook readers, kindle fire as long as the use it productively to read and expand their mental capacity, and level of literacy.”“Over the decades,World Cup Jerseys 2018, the National library was a premier source for research and books of all sorts.  We used to have lines down the steps and to the gates we didn’t even have space to accommodate the people coming to the library.“However,Adidas Shoes On Sale, in 2011, we noticed a sharp decline, most of them coming out to use the computer so we have to encourage them to use the books…. Our competitive activities helped in this regard we see persons joining the library and still doing research.”Yesterday,Cheap Nike Shox, in addition to the 104 years as a public library, Thompson said that winners of competitions and those dubbed “champion readers,” visited several public schools and lecture on the importance of reading and literacy as part of an education month project.“We decided to let a group of our champion readers,Nike Shox Clearance, age ranging from nine years old to adulthood visit public school to have a discussion on benefits of reading.“Among the schools visited  today ( yesterday) are Queen’s College, New Guyana School, St Roses High School, Government Technical Institute, Cyril Potter College of Education, Christ Church Secondary….It was all well received by the administrators, teachers and students of the schools.”The National Library collaborated with the Ministry of Education on the ‘give a book project.’Hundreds of books were distributed to the public by the National Library yesterday.“We had an overwhelming response from the time we started, people keep coming eager to get their copy of the books. We distributed all sorts of books, resource booklets that can used in schools, fictional story books for children and so forth. “Thompson stressed that all the reading materials were free of cost to the public and as such are not to be sold.Meanwhile, members of the Stabroek/Georgetown Lions Club visited the Thomas More Primary School to conduct 15-minute reading sessions with several grade level classrooms.The handing out of free books at the National Library yesterday.Odessa De Barros, President of the Georgetown/Stabroek Lions Club said that a literacy project was initiated in partnership with the Education month observance and World Literacy Day.“We did this project (yesterday) in accordance with the give a book idea.  We chose Thomas More Primary School located on D’Urban Street to conduct a reading exercise and donate books to enhance the library so that every child would have something to read.”The club donated 350,000 books to the School.Lions clubs will conduct similar exercises at other educational institutions in observance of Education Month.“We will be visiting day care centres, and schools for the handicapped during this week where we will be donating books. We also have a health project to conclude our activities for Education Month.”The school also received donations of books from the National library and the Ministry of Education.

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