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發表於 2018-6-15 01:53:46 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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All is set for today’s Mashramani celebrations in New Amsterdam. This is according to Chairman of the Region Six Mashramani Committee, Faizal Jaffarally.The float parade takes off at 12:00 hours from Tacama Turn (Marks Bridge) and would wind up on the lawns of State House in New Amsterdam.The revelers are expected to make their way along the Main Road, into Vryheid Street then on to the Strand and into the final destination.Some of those companies said to be participating are the Ministries of Education, Agriculture,Cheap Jerseys From China, Local Government,NFL Jerseys Supply, Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Amerindian Affairs, Health and Culture, Youth and Sport.According to Jaffarally, the Department of Education in Region Six is on the list of participants. Their float comprises students who took part in the Children’s Costume Competition at both the Regional and National level.A few Regions also indicated that they are going to be a part of this year’s celebration.The Chairman of the Region Six Mashramani Committee said that some measures have been put in place to ensure a smooth running and an accident-free Mash 2009 in New Amsterdam.Several religious bodies signaled their intention to be a part of this year’s float parade. “This is indeed welcome. Though we are out celebrating we still need that Supreme guidance.”Some Government Ministers will also be a part of the Region Six Mashramani celebrations. They are in East Berbice/Corentyne for a Cabinet Outreach,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, which is set for tomorrow.While roadside vending is permitted and is free of charge, Jaffarally is calling on vendors not to sell alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18. “We find it has become a trend that many persons allow children to both buy and openly consume alcohol and this is totally unacceptable. We are not only cautioning the vendors but the parents and guardians as well. Should anyone, that we can identify,Wholesale Jerseys, who is under the age of 18 be seen indulging in this practice – both the vendor,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the child and in some cases the parents or guardians would feel the full force of the law.”After the float parade there would be a ‘Mash Washdown’ on the lawns of the State House Compound.Mr. Jaffarally expressed disappointment with the level of cooperation and lack of participation from the private sector. “This is a national event…for all Guyanese… and hence the private sector should be on board. These business entities, particularly here in Berbice, are supported by the population at large and this is their time to give back to society.”Touching on the failure of many business entities to decorate their buildings, Jaffarally said that the business places are the main beneficiaries – financially. “They should demonstrate a sense of patriotism. The least they could have done was decorate their business place. I am certain this is not too much to ask of them, especially when you think of how much sales would increase during this Mash weekend.”Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Region Six Committee indicated that all of the activities which were scheduled for Mashramani 2009 in Berbice were successful. This includes the Children Costume Display that was held on the Upper, Central and Lower Corentyne. A number of these groups took part at the National level. Another success was the National Chutney Finals held in Rose Hall, Canje,China Soccer Jerseys, last weekend,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and the traditional Flag Raising Ceremony on the lawns of State House.The Region Six Chairman also held a reception to mark the 39th Anniversary of Guyana as a Republic.According to Mr. Jaffarally, some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils in East Berbice/Corentyne took part in the National Environment Competition that was organized by the Ministry of Local Government. (Melissa Johnson)

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