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Air Max 95 Black Leather GPHC









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發表於 2018-6-15 11:53:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryThe family of a 25-year-old father of one was yesterday afternoon plunged into grief as they became awareOne of Harris’ sisters collapsed after seeing her brother’s body wrapped for the morgue .of his death by electrocution. Leroy Francis- Harris of Plaisance Squatting Area was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) after being rushed there by his co-workers.It is said that Harris came into contact with a live wire while working on top of a three story building in Evans Street,Nike Air Max 2018, Charlestown. According to his co-worker  Doodnauth Arjoon,Nike Shox Gravity 2018, he rushed Harris to the hospital when he became aware that the man had been injured. He told Kaieteur News that Harris was employed at Readymix Concrete Limited, located at Eccles Industrial Estate EBD.The staffers were at the time pouring cement onto the three storey building,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes For Women, Arjoon recalled. He said that he was on the ground level operating the cement pump when he heard men on top of the building yell ‘stop the pump’. He recalled them saying also that Harris “get shock” and they (workers) immediately fetched him downstairs.Arjoon said Harris looked motionless, so he quickly called his superiors who advised that the workers get a cab and take the youngster to the health facility. By the time Harris arrived at GPHC, the doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.Arjoon explained that six other workers were on the roof and from what they said,Air Max 97 For Sale, Harris was at the time using what is called a flex; a flexible pipe -looking object. This object, he claimed got into contact with electrical wires and the man was fatality injured.Patricia Kirton, mother of the deceased said she received a call some time after 17:hrs in the afternoon from her son’s co-workers. The woman said they informed her that her son had a problem with some electricity,Air Max 97 Gold, “but they did not tell me that it was serious, that he had been shocked and was in bad shape.” The mother said she never expected to hear that her son had died.Renny Burnette told Kaieteur News that he and Harris were good friends for several years. The man who was sprawled on the ground in tears explained that he had spoken to his friend yesterday morning pleading with him not to go on the road. “I say boy, I had a bad dream last night, that a truck drive over me head. Don’t go on de road today.”Burnette said he also works with the cement company. He and Harris were supposed to “go on a wuk,” but when the supervisor called,Nike Shox Clearance, he told him, “I aint coming on de road today, if you know wha I dream…Now watch wha happen,” he stated, before bursting into tears.Harris was the second of three children and the only son for his mother. A few months ago, he also became a first time father.Harris’ family were quite upset however that some three hours after the man’s death, a representative of the firm he works for or the persons in charge of the Charlestown building on which he was working could not have shown up at the hospital or made contact with the family.

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