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[中一] Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers Ms Banmattie Ram









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The Education Ministry’s Schools’ Welfare Department is working to discourage the use of illicit drugs by students.According to Chief Schools’ Welfare Officer, Ms Banmattie Ram, there have been incidents whereby students have been found to be in possession of illicit drugs.She disclosed that recent cases of students in possession of marijuana are currently in the hands of the police, who will determine their fate.However,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk, the Ministry is taking steps to prevent students from even becoming involved in such situations.Ram said that more often than not instances of drug possession involve students who are above the age of 15.And while such cases are hardly ever detected among minors, Ram said that the Education Ministry has commenced an awareness programme in schools intended to emphasise the dangers of drug possession and usage.“We are going into schools and we are having talks with these students about how the law treats possession of marijuana and illicit drugs in general. We talk about the advantages of having a good education and how to avoid bad company.”According to Ram,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, the awareness programme was initiated in Georgetown and has since been taken to schools on the East Coast of Demerara. Other regions,Cheap NFL Jerseys, she said, have commenced similar programmes. “We are trying to prevent them from getting involved with drugs,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Online, and we are telling them that we do not want them to end up in jail.”Ram said that even if students are caught up in such situations the Ministry will attempt to intervene in some way,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, although such matters will be reported to the police.Recounting an incident in Waramadong where students were found sniffing glue, Ram said that officials from the Welfare Department, with the support of officials from the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), went into the area for about one week to address the situation.“We counselled them, and we dealt directly with (the issue) and none of them was placed in the hands of the police,Wholesale Jerseys 2020,” Ram noted.She added that the Ministry will intensify its collaboration efforts with the Guyana Police Force to raise awareness about the laws as it relates to drug possession and usage.“We have gone in and warned students, and we have brought in other people to talk to them. But we are asking the police to help us… Recently I spoke with officers at the Narcotics Department to see if they can come in and talk to students in our high schools.”And since the Education Ministry is tasked with accrediting private schools, Ram said that the Welfare Department would also address illicit drug possession and usage in private schools if a request for assistance is made.“We don’t really visit the private schools unless they ask us for help or we hear parents’ complaints… then we would go in and talk to the directors,” Ram divulged.The Education Ministry in defiance of drug use has prohibited the use of tobacco in all school environments through the placement of ‘No Smoking Zone’ signs at strategic locations at schools countrywide.

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