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發表於 2018-6-15 14:55:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government sees reconstructing the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation (CJIA) as the most feasible option for a “modern” airport. This is based on the notion that there are enormous investments already at CJIA.Government has contracted a Chinese firm,Air Max 97 Undefeated White, China Harbour Engineering Company, to rebuild the airport and expand its runway to a tune of some US$150M.Ogle International AirportAccording to Robeson Benn, Minister of Transport,Cheap NFL Shop, other options such as building a new airport from scratch or transforming Ogle International Airport would be too costly.Private investors believe that the country’s main port of entry should be relocated at Ogle, close to the capital city, Georgetown. Their rationale is that travel time would be reduced, there would be less fuel consumption,Adidas Shoes On Sale Clearance, and man-hours would be saved.But, Benn said, “There is an enormous sunk investment at Timehri in terms of CJIA.” He stressed that the development required at Ogle would be more enormous than what is required at CJIA.“The costing, the work on the runways,Nike Tns Sale, the replacement of infrastructure in terms of the airport building,Cheap Air Max 90 Kpu Sale, the air traffic control tower,Cheap Air Max Tn Shoes, and the ancillary and auxiliary facilities for fire fighting, baggage handling- the cost would have skyrocketed,” Benn stated.He also cited the height of Timehri above sea level when compared with Ogle which is below sea level.He added that recently Government spent nearly $1 billion to upgrade the air traffic control tower. If Government were to relocate that tower to Ogle it would be a “Mickey Mouse” because the structure needs to be at a certain height with certain capacities and infrastructures, Benn said.He also questioned the motive behind the call by some persons for the airport to be relocated. It was pointed out that some persons squatting on airport lands that work at CJIA or carry out activities related to the airport have been calling for it to be relocated to Ogle.Benn accepted that traffic congestion is a major issue affecting passengers travelling to CJIA. He pointed out that Government is also widening the East Bank Demerara Public Road into four-lanes to enhance the flow of traffic.Cheddi Jagan International AirportOther options are also being explored. “We are looking at bringing in larger buses on our roads– coaches going from our airport to various places,” he said.

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