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Air Max 90 Black And White according to the minister









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發表於 2018-6-15 18:00:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Expressing his concern over the sudden upsurge in crime across the country, Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, explained that one of his first tasks has been to meet most of the Divisional Commanders of the Guyana Police Force to seek solutions on how to address the issue.The minister said that some of the issues driving crime include increased drug usage,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Women, ready availability of alcohol, juvenile gang activities, decades of unemployment and increased exposure of children to violence in their homes.“A lot of this crime comes about because of the terrible human condition called greed. Some of the recommendations made, according to the minister,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Shoe, and which are required in the short-term include more patrols in high crime areas.This will now be enhanced following his initiative to have Community Policing Groups (CPGs) hand over at least 28 vehicles to the police. There will now be a concerted effort to rid the force of rogue ranks who the minister noted that were “disgustingly promoted and retained”.He said that a plan will soon be executed with the use of the appropriate technology to apprehend rogue ranks.He next spoke of bilateral assistance from supporting countries. These countries are “hyped up” and understanding of the government’s predicament, Ramjattan said.The Chinese ambassador has already promised to assist the sector,Wholesale Jerseys China, to the tune of US $4.5 million while the traditional ABC countries have also said that they will continue their support to enhance security throughout Guyana, he added.The connection between alcohol and increased incidence of drunk driving,Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, the minister said will see the enforcement of the ordinance on places which sell liquor. The premises which are generally open to the public and are not enclosed will be among the first to be targeted.With regards to piracy, fishermen will be given the capacity to defend themselves. Minister Ramjattan said that while some have expressed their reservations, others have said however that “they prefer at least to give a fight than to be thrown overboard”.This fight will also be boosted with communications equipment and GPS gear to give positions if fisher folk come under attack or have any other emergency. All boats will also be registered to better identify vessels with unique numbers or markings.The communities must get involved and confidence in the police force must be restored, Minister Ramjattan emphasised,Nike Vapormax Plus Womens, hence there will be continued support for Community Policing Groups. There will also be a certain level of scrutiny of police stations by civilians the minster said.“I believe that as a matter of principle, once there is civilian scrutiny and the police are instructed that they must give answers when citizens ask station sergeants and so, certain questions it will promote that confidence that the police and community relationship can have”.Enhanced training for ranks is also on the table for the police, the minister stated as he lauded a community outreach programme initiated by a Commander to enable youths to understand what it entails to be a police rank.The prison system will be modernised with better infrastructure, while search and surveillance will be improved and staff welfare enhanced. Penal legislation will also be updated, the minister explained, and better training programmes via trade shops will help with the reintegration of prisoners into the wider society. The Guyana Fire Service will continue training of fire fighters and more auxiliary ranks in hinterland locations will be provided.Road safety will be improved with more training for ranks and youths especially school children,Nike Air Max Shoes For Men, said the minister who gave some statistics to his colleagues in the National Assembly.

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