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[遊戲] Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale and the wider community









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發表於 2018-6-15 23:07:34 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Cultural Association of New York has announced that its annual Folk Festival Awards ceremony carded for staging in New York City on September 2, 2009 will honour four people who made contributions to the development and celebration of Guyanese Fashion, Food and Art.The association announced that this year it will also recognise the altruism and achievements of individuals and the philanthropy of a business entity.Magda Lois Muriel Pollard is the recipient of The GCA Wordsworth McAndrew Lifetime Achievement Award. Donna Ramsammy-James, former President of Guyana, the late Janet Jagan and Western Union Company will receive the Guyana Cultural Association Award.Ronald H. Lammy Co-Chair, Guyana Cultural Association Awards Committee, in a release noted that the honorees were selected from nominations by the Guyanese Diaspora.They have demonstrated by their individual action a sense of purpose in promoting Guyanese creativity and excellence.A committee evaluated each nomination, considering relevant aspects of the Guyana Cultural Association published selection criteria.Ms. Pollard has had an illustrious career as an educator, author and administrator. After graduating from university,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, she spent a substantial part of her career as a lecturer and as the Principal of the Carnegie School of Home Economics in Guyana.Attaining leadership positions in Guyana, across the Caribbean and in the United Nations permitted her to bring new insights to “strengthening relations between government and non-governmental organisations.” Her dedication and exemplary contribution in “the movement for women’s empowerment” have led to better circumstances for the whole communities in which she worked. In 1993, she was a recipient of the UWI-CARICOM project strategic alliance for institutional co-operation triennial award for women.Mrs. Ramsammy-James as a choreographer, designer, and an international creative consultant “celebrates and represents the rich diversity of the Caribbean.” In places as diverse as Guyana,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, Montserrat, and Kenya, she pursued her passions and displayed leadership; she is also the lead female dancer and choreographer in the Guyana National Dance Theatre Company and co-founder of the National Dance Theatre Company of Montserrat.In Kenya, Ms. Ramsammy-James expanded her designing talent by melding cultural sensibilities.  Her designer trademark is a distinctive fusion of African, Caribbean,Air Max 97 Undefeated White, Indian and Latin American influences.  These features reflect the creativity and pride of heritage.Former President Janet Jagan was responsible for converting Castellani House into the National Art Gallery.It provided an appropriate location to store the growing national collection that had been building over several decades.“Today, that venue is an active site with regular rotating exhibitions, film festivals, and other cultural events.” Ms Jagan’s leadership has led to the establishment of “a cultural oasis encouraging dialogue among painters, sculptors,Nike Air Max 2018, writers, musicians,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, and the wider community, including school children.”Western Union’s philanthropic efforts include “supporting cultural inclusion”.The company recognises “the importance of helping individuals and families build strong communities, in which all members can contribute their distinctive talents and feel at home.”Attendance at the Award Ceremony on September 2,Cheap Womens Jordan Sneakers, 2009 at the Rotunda of the Brooklyn Borough Hall, New York is by invitation.All of the Awardees or their designees will be honored guests.

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