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發表於 2018-6-16 02:42:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As the murder trial of Den Amstel resident, Dwayne Jordan,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, draws closer to its end,Cheap Jerseys From China, the 12- member jury is expected to deliberate today. This is following the prosecution delivering its final address on the facts of the case, yesterday.Jordan is charged with the 2007 murder of his reputed wife, Claudine Rampersaud. The offence reportedly happened on June 14,Wholesale Jerseys, at Clay Brick Road, Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara.  At the time, Rampersaud was a Special Constable attached to the Vreed-en Hoop Police Station.It is alleged that the accused stabbed his reputed wife at least 12 times in the head. The post mortem examination which was conducted by city pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh proved that Rampersaud died from cerebral hemorrhage due to several stab wounds to the head.Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford presented the evidence against the accused on behalf of the State. The matter is being heard before newly appointed Judge Navindra Singh.In the earlier hours of the day, Defence Lawyer Nigel Hughes delivered his closing arguments, arguing why the accused should be acquitted of the capital offence. The story is that the death of the woman was accidental and that the accused was attacked by a man with whom his reputed wife was reportedly having an affair.In his statement to the police, the accused claimed that his wife would work late and on days when she did, he would normally pick her up at the “road head” where the two would proceed to their residence.On the day of the murder, the accused alleged that he had received no call from his wife and he decided to venture to the “road head” in search of her. He however said that while on his way out,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, someone told him that his wife had entered a house with another man.He said that he went to the house but as soon as he entered, he was attacked and wounded by someone. He said that he and that person, a male, had a scuffle which turned into a fight. His wife, he said, got in between the fracas and was injured.The prosecution is however refuting those claims and called the killing a “crime of passion.” Sandiford said every wound that the deceased got was intended for her since the evidence proved that the accused had believed that his wife was having an affair.In a bid to end the shame of it, since the talk was spreading in the community, Sandiford said the accused ended his wife’s life.The prosecutor called the defence case a “tangled web of lies”. She refuted claims of self defence and accidental death. She asked the jury to rely on the evidence of eyewitnesses; especially on that of the dead woman’s brother-in-law,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, Ryan Lewis.Lewis reportedly fought with the accused on the night of the alleged offence. In the witness box, he identified the accused as the man who had wounded him.During that time,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Jordan sat still in the court dock, focusing straight ahead, never looking in the direction of the prosecutor. All the while tears streamed down the dead woman sister’s face and continued throughout the hearing.The sister, Shellon Payne, had testified in court. She said that on the night of the incident, she was with her husband when she heard her sister screaming out for help. She testified that her sister had yelled out that “Jordan trying to kill me”.The woman’s body was found in a house where she and her partner had been living. They had however moved to another location, leaving the house empty. Ryan Lewis had testified that he and his wife were heading home when they heard the commotion in the house which they had to pass on their journey. The man said that he kicked down the door and engaged in a fight with a man in the house.It was after the man had fallen down a flight of stairs that Lewis said he recognized the man to be the accused. After that,Cheap Jerseys From China, he said he ran out of the house and fell a short distance away because of the injuries he had sustained.The court will make its summing up and the jury will head to the jury room to make a decision. The matter continues today.

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