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發表於 2018-6-16 07:14:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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World Blood Donor Day…By Leon SuseranA person becomes an instant lifesaver every time they give blood.  June 14, 2011 is celebrated worldwide as World Blood Donor Day. The theme for the celebrations this year is: “More Blood. More Life”.The theme emphasises the importance of why there should always be an adequate amount of blood to save lives. It cannot be emphasised enough how important it is for unpaid voluntary blood donors to commit themselves to donating blood on a regular basis.Why is this liquid so valuable to the human body? It transports nutrients, disease fighting cells, oxygen,China NFL Jerseys, cells for clotting blood if you bleed, and other critical chemicals and components to the organs, tissue and cells of the body. It moves dead cells, dead microorganisms and other wastes from the body to the organs responsible for detoxifying the body and elimination of the wastes. It supplies the water needed for life to body tissues. It helps to regulate body temperatures in a steady range and too many other critical functions to list.And if human beings run out of an adequate supply of blood, surely they can make more. Since humans are so intelligent “Can’t they?” you may ask.The thing is, blood cannot be made or reproduced. Scientists, so far, have not come up with a substitute for blood or a way to make the precious substance. Whole blood can last up to 35 days; blast frozen plasma can last up to a year and platelets, less than a week. Patients can be in need of whole blood or either of its parts.Instead, man and health officials must rely on generous individuals who can come forward freely to give the precious commodity. It is a noble and selfless act, giving blood. But human beings have not been giving as they should and this has negatively impacted the growing need for blood in emergency rooms all across the world. Statistics have shown that worldwide,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, at least 90 million units of blood are donated each year to save lives and improve health. But this is certainly not sufficient since there are growing needs of blood in every hospital in the world today. Blood transfusions, treating anemia, routine emergency surgeries,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, replacing blood lost in childbirth, treating persons involved in vehicular accidents,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and treating congenital blood disorders are just some of the needs for blood.Just a little more than 70 countries have blood donation rates less than what is generally considered necessary to meet a nation’s basic requirements for blood, namely one per cent of the population. Even countries that do have more developed health systems struggle to maintain the blood stocks sufficient to meet climbing demands.The world is aiming to achieve 100 per cent voluntary unpaid blood donation by the year 2020. This was enforced in the 2009 Melbourne Declaration. This has been ongoing through motivating more persons to become regular blood donors to ensure sufficient stocks of blood; recognizing regular voluntary unpaid donors as public health role models; and creating a wider awareness of the vital role of blood transfusion in saving lives and maintaining good health of people. Why do we stress the need for unpaid donors? Giving blood voluntarily is better for all stakeholders,Cheap Jerseys, including the recipient. Persons in other parts of the world are paid to donate blood but this is certainly being discouraged, since the message is to give without expecting something in return.Giving blood does not only help other people but it provides a whole host of benefits to the person giving. The human body takes in more iron than it needs and thus, donating blood regularly sheds some of that iron. Excessive iron in the blood is thought to contribute to heart disease. The hemoglobin check prior to giving blood will determine if iron levels are sufficient, so there is no need to worry. Studies have also shown that men who donate blood regularly live healthier lives in that that they can lower the risks of heart disease if they donate blood regularly.The respected American Medical Association found that giving blood every six months led to fewer strokes and heart attacks in tested participants aged 43-61.Giving blood takes less than 15 minutes. At first, there is a health check- up, which consists of your blood pressure, pulse rate,Stitched Jerseys, body temperature and blood type test being taken. You then answer a few health questions then the actual giving takes place. The one-pint bag takes just under 6 minutes to be filled after which the medical technician gently removes the needle from your hand and gives you a cotton swab to hold and press down the area in which the needle was inserted. You are given a juice and crackers to consume while you sit and regain some strength, after which you are free to leave, feeling renewed, brand new, healthy,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, refreshed and fully satisfied that you have performed the ultimate act of kindness towards a nameless brother or sister that would be in need, in need of your blood, that came from your body.A donor gives bloodThe Ministry of Health in Guyana is always calling for more blood donors to come forward. Please do so and give blood at any hospital in the country. There is also the National Blood Bank in Georgetown and the Blood Bank in the compound of the New Amsterdam Hospital as well.In 2010, 8,000 units of blood were donated in Guyana, says the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS). There should be approximately 12,000 units to cater for the needs in our health system. The NBTS is setting a target of 10,000 units this year.So if you are a healthy person, please give blood today. You should, because it’s in you to give.

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