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發表於 2018-6-16 07:16:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Berbice woman, accused of ripping off several groceries and leaving a number of the owners embarrassed, is likely to appear in court today facing several fraud charges, according to police.The woman, who has so far been identified as “Radhika” was captured last Sunday by lawmen in her Canje home after investigators were tipped off by one of her angry victims.Kaieteur News was told that the attempts had been made to settle some of the matters, but a number of business persons who complained to police, were not budging.Only one business, D. Budhan and Daughter from Campbellville, had initially come forward.The woman was captured on surveillance cameras when she visited there last month.Kaieteur News was told that the woman would visit mostly groceries and place an order.A number of the grocers and businessmen claimed that in all cases, the woman claimed that she did not have enough money. She would claim that her family owns a stall “around the corner” or in Bourda market,China NBA Jerseys, as was done in one case.To dispel suspicions, she reportedly would invite an employee to accompany her to collect the money. However, in most cases, she would “receive” a phone call and claim that her husband had already paid the balance.Last week,NHL Jerseys From China, the woman’s run came to an end after a Robb Street business person, who also operates in the Stabroek Market,jerseys from china, claimed that she did the same thing. That business lost $40,000.Kaieteur News again published her photo and the response was immediate. Police were tipped off.Police last Sunday said they recovered several items which they suspect were obtained during the con woman’s reign.According to a source,Cheap NFL Jerseys, on Sunday,Wholesale China Jerseys, based on a story on the woman which was carried by this newspaper, police in the Ancient County went into action.After seeing the woman’s photograph in the Kaieteur News, police managed to acquire her address and after staking out the place for awhile, decided to move in.The source said that the woman’s house has a newly renovated section which suggests that she was probably in the process of opening a small grocery store.Since the news broke, a number of other business persons have come forward to claim that the same woman fleeced them. At least four stallholders in La Penitence Market made similar claims.And Berbice residents have been calling Kaieteur News too. In one case, a woman claimed that she lost hundreds of dollars in plucked chicken after the woman convinced her that she lived not far away.Another stall holder at Skeldon Market said that the woman had been taken before Berbice police for a similar matter but had never settled the matter as was promised.“She keep playing sick and coming up with excuses.”According to police in Berbice, while the woman has remained silent, her husband revealed that she would normally go to the city and “buy groceries”. He claimed that he did not know that his wife was involved in anything illegal.However,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, when shown the image of the woman in the newspaper report,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys, he was convinced that it was indeed his wife.The couple was escorted to the Fort Wellington Police Station, where they were handed over to police from the city and subsequently escorted to Georgetown.

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