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發表於 2018-6-16 07:29:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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District 2 includes the coastal communities of Pacific Beach, Mission Beach,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, Ocean Beach and Point Loma.
Beane is a director of the Pacific Beach Town Council and belongs to numerous Democratic groups.

The son of an educator and a civil servant, Beane graduated from American University in 2007 and has worked in sports for nearly a decade. He's been with the Chargers since 2012.
Jordan Beane, a 32-year-old senior producer with the team's website,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, announced Tuesday that he's running for the District 2 seat in the June 2018 primary.
Beane said he's already received an email from a resident angry about his progressive agenda. "I guess the campaign has begun," he said.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — While the Chargers relocate to Los Angeles, one employee will remain in San Diego and run for the city council.
Beane will host a campaign kickoff event Wednesday evening that will include a speech by former Chargers center Nick Hardwick. Hardwick said last Cheap Jerseys From China month he won't continue as the team's radio analyst Cheap Jerseys Online because he's angry at Wholesale Jerseys Cheap.us/]Cheap Jerseys Online[/url] how team chairman Dean Spanos handled the relocation.
"I'm leaving a dream job because I want to make a difference in the community I love," Beane said. "I think that we need new voices and leaders here in San Diego, voices that are demanding sustainability, diversity and empathy. Leaders that want to truly Cheap Jerseys Online tackle the big issues, not just pay them lip service. I'm also running for San Diego City Council because I think we need people my age getting into politics and running for office."
Beane will run for the seat held by Lorie Zapf. While City Council seats officially are nonpartisan, Beane is a Democrat and Zapf a Republican.
The Chargers announced on Jan,Cheap Authentic Jerseys. 12 they are moving to Los Angeles beginning with the 2017 season after playing in Cheap Football Jerseys China San Diego for 56 years,Wholesale Jerseys China.
He said his key area of focus will be on homelessness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, affordable housing and the environment.

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