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發表於 2018-6-16 14:19:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– wounds sisterEnraged at repeated refusals to let him marry his lover,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, a 22-year-old minibus conductor hacked his prospective mother-in-law to death at around 22:30 hrs yesterday.Basmattie Ramlakhan, 17Rajpattie Jagroop, 49, was found dead in her hallway of her Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara home; the victim of at least seven cutlass wounds to the head, neck,Wholesale China Jerseys, back and side.Her daughter, 17-year-old Basmattie Ramlakhan,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, was chopped in the head, right-hand and back. She was rushed to the Leonora Hospital and was still receiving treatmnet for her injuries at around 01:00 hrs today.The suspect’s 19-year-old lover, Parbattie Ramlakhan, was not at home when the brutal attack occurred.Kaieteur News understands that the suspect was subsequently detained today at Ruimzeight,China Jerseys Wholesale, West Coast Demerara. Indications are that the killer gained entry to Jagroop’s home after smashing a window.Parbattie Ramlakhan told Kaieteur News that her boyfriend had assaulted her and her mother last week Wednesday, after her mother refused his offers to marry the 19-year-old daughter. According to the teen, the boyfriend also threatened to kill her and mother.“He say that if mommy don’t let him marry me, he would kill we.” According to the teen, her mother disliked the suspect because he was a heavy drinker and also ‘smoked.’Parbattie’s injured sister told Kaieteur News that she and her mother had retired to bed at around 19:00 hrs yesterday. She said that some hours later,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, she was aroused by her mother’s screams.“When I get up,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, I get a lash in my head,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, but I didn’t see nobody,” she said.After she had recovered, she came out of her bedroom and saw her mother lying in a pool of blood in the hallway.Her screams alerted neighbours, who took the injured teen to the Leonora Cottage Hospital.The slain woman was subsequently taken to the same location.(Michael Jordan)

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