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發表於 2018-6-16 16:32:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Telephone &Telegraph Company’s Christmas promotion is taking the country by storm with the dozens of cool gadgets already won and close to a million dollars already grabbed by lucky customers.Also on board are a wonderful Christmas deal for hinterland residents and a surprise hit TV show to keep supporters informed of the great Christmas offers.The large crowd that gathered for the Linden Cash Booth draw.The Cellink Top Up and Watch show has been receiving excellent feedback, drawing thousands around television screens each night with the hope of becoming winners. The show, according to officials,wholesale jerseys, is GT&T’s gift to customers who have been with the service for one year and over, and who would have topped up their phone with $500 and above.Dessia Braithwaite, Renatha Exeter and the “Randomizer”, (the machine which chooses the winning numbers) give away a 32-inch television, a laptop, an I-pod Touch, a Canon DVD Camcorder, and an X-Box Console each night.  And there are still five exciting nights left to go. The Cellink Cash Cube is also making waves. Customers, so far, have grabbed a total of $950,500, in just five stops.  The Cash Cube promotion features Cellink’s great offers on the latest and best in Cellink handsets and accessories, and a chance to win hundreds of thousands of dollars. Customers topping up with $500 or more and those buying GT&T handsets will be issued with a coupon, and they can enter the onsite competition in order to be selected for one of five half-hourly trips into the Cash Cube, a booth filled with money, where they will have a limited time to grab all the bills they can. Hinterland customers are not left out of the fun, with Cellink’s ‘$10 for 10 days’ Hinterland Special.  From the 20th to the 31st of December, subscribers living in remote hinterland areas that are serviced by GTT Cellink network locations will be enjoying a 50% discount for the season.The promotion applies to prepaid users in the respective areas, and the on-network calls would apply to Cellink-to-Cellink and Cellink-to-landline customers. The areas identified for this promotion are Lethem, Mahdia, Port Kaituma, Mabaruma, and Kwakwani.The prepaid per minute rates applicable for origination of calls are $10. for the off peak rate and $11.50 vat exclusive for the peak rate.

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