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發表於 2018-6-16 19:27:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eighty-three students graduated from the Guyana School of Agriculture on Friday during the institution’s 44th graduation ceremony,NFL Jerseys From China, providing a significant boost within the very important sector.Twenty-six students graduated with a Diploma in Agriculture while 25 earned a Certificate in Forestry.The Certificate in Agriculture Department produced 14 graduates with an additional 10 graduating with a Diploma in Animal Health.The most recent addition to the school curriculum was the Certificate in Fishery and eight persons graduated from that programme.Last year September, the GSA started the Fisheries Programme.Delivering the feature address at the graduation ceremony hosted in the GSA auditorium, Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, told the successful students that for the agricultural sector to grow and expand, everyone must be willing to work closely with the local farmers.This has to be done, he added,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, to incorporate both theoretical and practical knowledge in an attempt to achieve the desired national and personal goals.“As the global agricultural situation changes, there would be greater demand for individuals with the necessary training and skills to face these challenges head on.”Guyanese,Wholesale China Jerseys, the Minister said, must continue to not only improve their skills and understanding of technological advances,China NFL Jerseys, but also to undertake relevant research in an attempt to further diversify the agricultural sector thus ensuring economic security.The Minister encouraged the students to respect and endeavour to learn as much as they can from the farmers in the various Regions, whom they may eventually be called upon to serve.“Plans are advanced for the establishment of a Campus on the Essequibo Coast in September of this year.  It should be noted that the new Campus will open up opportunities for many students whom for various reasons would have been unable to attend the main Campus at Mon Repos.”The Essequibo campus will initially offer two programmes: a Diploma in General Agriculture and a Certificate in Forestry.In May, the GSA hosted a Youth Forum on Agriculture.The focus of the forum was ‘Youths and the Grow More Food campaign.’Over 120 young people from regions across the country gathered at GSA to participate in the event.Among the topics that were discussed by the students were the role of youths in the drive to grow more food,Cheap Jerseys From China, how the school’s agriculture programme can be improved, what kinds of doors youths want to see open in the sector and why  there is limited youth involvement in agriculture.The institution offers six programmes: Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health,Wholesale Jerseys, Diploma in Livestock Production,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Certificate in Fisheries Studies and Certificate in Forestry.

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