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As the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) continues to boost the quality of hospitality offered in the industry, four hundred and forty- two persons received training during last year.Guides in training at Bina Hill, RupununiAccording to the Authority, training was conducted in the areas of Housekeeping, Front Desk Management, Customer Care, First Aid and CPR, Kitchen procedures, Food and Beverage, Restaurant Awareness, Community Based and Crisis Communication among others.Other training programmes to be facilitated by the Guyana Tourism Authority in 2014 are Conversational Spanish and Portuguese training programmes for Immigration Personnel, Culinary Training, Customer Service, Packaging,   Frontline, Business/Operations Management and Tour Guide Training.Meanwhile, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in collaboration with the North Rupununi District Development Board, facilitated a two day First Aid/CPR Training for tour guides at Bina Hill, Annai. The training, which was conducted on February 8,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 2014, was conducted by Mr. Railton Evelyn of St. John’s Ambulance Brigade.Forty -three tour guides from nearby villages and lodges participated in the training session which touched on topics such as Burns, Bleeding, Sprains, Strains, Heart Attack, Choking, Unconsciousness and Fractures. Guides also participated in practical sessions conducting CPR and demonstrating techniques on tying a sling for fractures.The objective of the training programme was to ensure that registered guides are capable of providing First Aid assistance to visitors and tourists in the event of an emergency while conducting tours. It is also a requirement of the Tourist Guide Regulations that all guides must be trained in First Aid/CPR and able to provide valid Certificates before licensing.The Rupununi, being a high traffic location for tours and with the largest number of tourist guides, was ideal for this training programme; the Authority also facilitated a similar First Aid/CPR training in 2013 for guides in Georgetown.

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