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[遊戲] Wholesale NFL Jerseys xxbewbcv









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發表於 2018-6-17 09:42:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 20-vehicle team is set to take off Sunday to the Pakaraima Mountains on the 2009 safari and the “safarians” can’t wait to experience the adventure of a lifetime.Yesterday, organiser Frank Singh of Rainforest Tours and his team conducted the inspection of vehicles and collected the fuel supplied by the Guyana Oil Company. Air Services Limited also supplied official “safari” T-shirts and hats to the organiser for distribution to the participants. The other major sponsor of the event is the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company.The safari is organised by Rainforest Tours. It offers participants an ideal opportunity to establish links with communities across Regions Eight and Nine.The Pakaraima Mountains have some of the most beautiful geological features to be experienced in the Guianas.This frontier is blessed with a wide range of flora and fauna and the rich history of the country’s indigenous people are evident throughout the regions, the organisers say.Amerindians in this part of Guyana are of the Patamuna and Makushi nations who for time immemorial have traversed the area on foot, climbing mountains, and crossing rivers, plains, savannahs and swamps to reach village after village.Their journey has become a little bit easier with the construction of roads linking the two regions.In the past, these journeys took days and sometimes weeks.The men, women and children had no choice but to carry their belongings in Warishees strung across their backs and tied to their heads.This may seem adventurous to coastal people but was a tedious task for the indigenous people.The need for an access road linking the villages of Region Eight in the North Pakaraimas and the villages of Region Nine in the South Pakaraimas in Region Nine to Georgetown became a priority in March 2003.The first team was able to travel from Georgetown to Region Nine and then into Region Eight.Some now have an option of transporting their produce via tractors or other means of transportation now that there is a road link.Participants are able to camp out in the mountains, while passing through some 14 Amerindian villages.The safari ends at the Orinduik Falls,wholesale jerseys, which separates Guyana and Brazil.

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