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發表於 2018-6-17 15:28:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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BUSH LOT VILLAGE,Jerseys From China, WEST COAST BERBICE – Mortice Primary School has won the Department of Education in Region Five 2010 Spelling Bee Competition.Fifteen schools battled for supremacy at the Latchman Singh Primary at Bush Lot, West Coast of Berbice. In the second spot was the Hopetown Primary followed by the Latchman Singh.Andrew Persaud, Jiana and Ceon Singh were adjudged the best spellers of the Mortice, Hopetown and Latchman Singh Primary Schools respectively. Mortice Primary along with the other two top performing schools earned trophies while the three best spellers won themselves medals.Coordinator of the competition Inderjeet Persaud, who is also a teacher at the Mortice Primary School, explained that the competition was only for grade five students and was one of the activities planned for Education Month. Attending the function were Education Officers Primary, Region Five – Chittrawattie Tularam and Bashir Khan.Prizes were donated by the Aditya Kids Trust Fund Foundation of Bath Settlement on the West Coast of Berbice.According to Mr. Persaud, other activities to mark the occasion would continue on Tuesday September 28 when there would be a Recipe Competition for secondary schools. Each entrant must produce an original recipe and be able to prepare the item before judges within a stipulated time.Later this week the Latchman Singh Primary would be transformed into a Reading Tent and would feature all primary schools in Region Five.The students from these institutions are to set up reading corners in different parts of the school in a bid to promote reading.The Teacher Award Ceremony on October 1 would bring the curtain down on activities for Education Month in Region Five.This would target those from the seven secondary, 31 primary and a matching number of nursery schools between the right bank of the Mahaica River and Ithaca on West Bank of Berbice.According to Mr. Persaud, letters were dispatched to each school outlining the criteria.The administrations are expected to work in tandem with the respective parent/teacher associations to select eligible teachers. From that list the best teachers would be chosen.

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