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發表於 2018-6-17 21:41:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Accusing any court of being racist is not only offensive to the individual judge, but to the tribunal and the integrity of the tribunal," Locke said after the jury was sent out of the room to deliberate.
The jury has deliberated about 12 hours since Friday without reaching a verdict,Wholesale Jerseys. Deliberations are set to resume Tuesday,Wholesale Jerseys China.
Judge Jeffrey Locke, referring to an objection the defense first made last week, said he found it "astounding" that Sullivan would make that claim.
Hernandez, 27, is already serving life in prison in a 2013 killing.
Attorney Ronald Sullivan Jr., a black Harvard law professor,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, said the judge's choice of a white woman as forewoman ensured she would Cheap Jerseys From China remain on the jury instead of being dismissed as an alternate. He said each juror of color should have had the same opportunity to remain on the jury and serve as the foreman or forewoman.
The victims were Cape Verdean. Hernandez's father was Hispanic, and his mother is Italian.
Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots,Wholesale Jerseys, is charged with killing Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu in a 2012 drive-by shooting in Boston. Prosecutors say Hernandez felt disrespected after one of the men accidentally spilled his drink at a nightclub. Hernandez's lawyers say Hernandez's former friend, Alexander Bradley, shot the men over a drug deal.
Locke, who's white, said the woman he chose was attentive during the trial. The judge NFL Jerseys Online Wholesale China Jerseys also said it is his practice to select a foreman or forewoman before alternate jurors are eliminated by lottery. Twelve jurors are deliberating in the case.
BOSTON (AP) — As jurors in the double-murder trial of ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez deliberated for a second day Monday, one of Hernandez's lawyers told the judge Jerseys NFL Wholesale that Authentic Jerseys China.cheapchinanfljerseys.us/]NFL Jerseys Cheap[/url] his selection of a white woman as forewoman of the mostly minority jury has "troubling racial overtones."
Sullivan said the judge's choice is troubling because the racial makeup of the jury is predominantly minorities,Cheap Jerseys.

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