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發表於 2018-6-17 23:53:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The two lowest totals in passing yardage for Prescott have come in the past two games,Jerseys From China, and he looked uncomfortable on a sub-freezing night at the Giants.
He doubled his interception total this season by throwing two for the first time,Jerseys Wholesale.
"The noise didn't just start,China Jerseys Cheap," Prescott said. "It's the Dallas Cowboys. There's been noise from the time I've been drafted, so nothing really changes. So I don't think they need to come in and reinstate their confidence in me or do anything like that."
Garrett said after the game he never considered going to Romo,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, but that didn't stop the topic during the week. Not that Prescott,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, a fourth-round pick who started training camp as the No. 3 quarterback,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, was surprised.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-25 21:51:55 | 只看該作者

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The crowd loved it. They haven't seen much of the zone-read during the first few days of Washington Redskins training camp, but here was proof that it's still a potent part of the playbook.
Griffin had an extraordinary rookie season as a passer, throwing 20 touchdown passes and only five interceptions with a 102.4 rating, but he also ran for 815 yards. Last year,Wholesale Jerseys China, after major knee surgery, he ran for only 489 yards and his passer rating fell to 82.2. When defenses don't have to worry as much about RG3 the runner,NFL Jerseys From China, they can focus more on RG3 the passer.
"That actually wasn't even a zone-read play,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys," Griffin said. "Coach asked me what the hell I was doing. 'I saw something, Coach.' ... It was either, hey, let it ride and allow my running back to get clobbered or just take a risk, and I took a risk."
"He's obviously very good at the read-option," Gruden said. "He's proven that he can do it, but he's also proven to come off a major injury the last couple of years. He's healthy, but there will be a balance. We used some in Cincinnati with Andy Dalton and they used some here. ... We just won't overuse it."
"I view it as if you run it just a few times throughout the course of the game, maybe three or four times in two games,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, it's just something for the defenses to have to worry about," the coach said.
That's fine with Griffin, who has always been quick to remind everyone that he does indeed have an arm.
It was actually a busted play, a spur-of-the-second decision made by Griffin because the defense was keying on Morris.

Griffin was among new generation of young, agile quarterbacks who appeared set to revolutionize the NFL two years ago with designed runs that kept defenses hopelessly off-balance, but the look plays a minor role in the Redskins scheme under new coach Jay Gruden. Gruden says there will be "sprinkles" of zone-read, but he's more interested in developing Griffin's skills as a drop-back passer.
Notes: WR Pierre Garcon sat out team drills Wednesday as he recovers from a sore hamstring. ... CB Courtney Bridget, who hurt his right shoulder earlier this week and is scheduled for surgery, was waived-injured. ... T Tyler Polumbus missed practice due to personal reasons. ... The Redskins signed DT Jake McDonough. ... Griffin went to see "Hercules" on the team's day off Tuesday. "I thought it was a decent movie," he said. "Some of my teammates absolutely did not like it, but I had low expectations. I just wanted to see 'The Rock' smash things."
Nevertheless, Gruden said the concern about "future hits on the quarterback" play a role in deciding how often to use the zone-read.
Except that it wasn't.
"I made my name throwing the ball in college," he said. "I won a Heisman Trophy with Baylor. ... The zone-read,China Jerseys, it a part of every quarterback who can move around a little bit. It's something you want to sprinkle in, keep the defense aware of, make them have to practice (for), but it's not something you make the focal point of your offense."
Griffin also responded to comments made this week by team president Bruce Allen,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, who told ESPN 950 this week that the decision to play Griffin in Week 1 a year ago "was almost a little disrespectful to the game of football" because Griffin didn't have sufficient practice time coming off the knee surgery.
Griffin lobbied hard to play in that game and even took part in an "All in for Week 1" marketing campaign, but nowadays he points out that the final decision to play him rested with ousted coach Mike Shanahan.
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Robert Griffin III faked the handoff to Alfred Morris and took off down the left sideline, showing the burst of speed that helped him become the NFL's Offensive Rookie of the Year in 2012.
"I saw what Bruce said, and I know where he's coming from," Griffin said. "That was Coach's prerogative, the previous Coach's prerogative, I can't really do anything about that. All you can do is just fly with the punches. Like I said multiple times, I played with the hand I was dealt last year."
Running leaves Griffin vulnerable, but he's yet to be injured running a zone-read play in the NFL. The injuries that have caused him to miss playing time have come on designed passes, usually when he's scrambling downfield.
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