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發表於 2018-6-18 00:09:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While Chancellor is mostly known for his big hits coming from Seattle's standout secondary, he's also played through a litany of injuries during China Jerseys Cheap his career. He's dealt with hip, ankle, feet and knee problems throughout his career, most notably playing in the Super Bowl against New England just a few days after spraining his knee in practice.
Chancellor is also thrilled to see Earl Thomas in the defensive backfield with him. Thomas missed the final six games of last season — four regular-season and two in the playoffs — after breaking his leg during a collision with Chancellor as both went for an interception.
Fast forward and Chancellor's attitude has changed. Rather than showing displeasure and possibly having no job security after this season,Wholesale China Jerseys, the veteran is fine letting the process play out.
This past offseason, Chancellor had bone spurs removed from both ankles and had the procedures done simultaneously. Throughout the offseason program and into the start of camp, Chancellor noticed obvious changes by having the surgeries.
That's a different tone than Chancellor took two years ago. Unhappy with his contract at the time, Chancellor was a surprise holdout from training camp, a holdout that lingered into the start of the regular season. Coming off a second straight Super Bowl appearance, the Seahawks' season was thrown off course before it even started Cheap Football Jerseys China because of Chancellor's unhappiness.
"I believe that's with our whole defense. We're like a machine," Chancellor said. "If that one bolt is missing or that one part of the machine is missing it just doesn't function properly."
Chancellor said it doesn't matter to him if a deal gets done Cheap Football Jerseys China before the start of the regular season or not.
"When I had (the spurs) it was kind of tough on me because the movements I had to think before I moved sometimes because I knew if I took a certain step it would have clicked and I would have felt the pain," Chancellor said. "Now I feel more free moving around and don't really have to think."
"Right now both sides are having positive talks  and we're going to keep doing what we're doing right now," Chancellor said on Monday after Wholesale China Jerseys Seattle concluded its second day of training camp. "We're going to follow that process."
Chancellor and coach Pete Carroll have expressed optimism in the first two days of camp that a contract extension could be on the horizon for the hard-hitting strong safety who has played through numerous injuries and is recognized as a core piece of the Seahawks defense.
"We have looked long and hard at that," Carroll said. "There is a lot of real positive stuff coming, we aren't quite there yet but I think it's nothing but positive stuff but hopefully we will be able to get stuff done."
"If it's done, if it's not done (I'm) going to play ball," Chancellor said. "I'm going to play ball regardless. Right now that's all I'm focusing on."
RENTON, Wash. (AP) — Kam Chancellor arrived at Seattle Seahawks training camp happy, healthy and without a contract extension.
NOTES: Seattle re-signed LB Mike Morgan, bringing back the veteran who has spent his entire pro career with the Seahawks. Morgan was a free agent after last season and had conversations with Jacksonville,cheap nfl jerseys sale, Buffalo and New Orleans, but waited until Seattle called after the first day of camp. "I wouldn't say it was stressful. I was in a good place but I'm glad to be back, to be out here with the guys again,Cheap NFL Jerseys," Morgan said. Morgan appeared in nine games and started three last season,Cheap Jerseys From China, missing time due to a sports hernia. The Seahawks waived LB Arthur Brown to clear a roster spot. ...The special guest at Monday's practice: rapper Kendrick Lamar, who performs in nearby Tacoma, Washington,Cheap China Jerseys, on Tuesday night. "I had no idea he was here until he walked in the huddle,NFL Jerseys China," running back Eddie Lacy said.
That last piece may be resolved sooner rather than later.

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