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By Rabindra RooplallViolence against women is often ignored and is rarely punished while women and girls suffer disproportionately both in peace and in war, at the hands of the state, the community and the family.A life free from violence is a basic human right, we come across violations of human rights that know no race, culture, richness and age limit in almost every society.Statistics on violence against women are at an alarming level. Six out of every 10 women in the world face physical or sexual violence.This act against women knows no geographical boundary or time limit. Women can be subjected to violence at home, at work, in the field, in a refugee camp or even at school.Between 15 and 76 percent of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the available country data.Most of this violence takes place within intimate relationships, with many women (ranging from nine to 70 percent) reporting their husbands or partners as the perpetrator, this is according to Violence Against Women and Millennium Development Goals (compiled by UNIFEM, 2010).It was further noted that worldwide, up to 50 percent of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16, and an estimated 150 million girls under the age of 18 suffered some form of sexual violence in 2002 alone.In addition the first sexual experience of some 30 percent of women was forced. The percentage is even higher among those who were under 15 at the time of their sexual initiation, with up to 45 percent reporting that the experience was forced.In our society, violence is usually accepted as a norm for forcefully having our way in whatever form it may be, however, in all regions of the world, women and girls are subjected to violence because of their gender. Gender has a considerable impact on the form violence takes, the circumstances in which it occurs, the consequences, and the availability of legal, medical and social remedies.Because of violence, women are deprived – either totally or partially – of the enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.Despite the fact that different social, cultural and political contexts give rise to different forms of violence, its prevalence and its models are remarkably constant across cultural identities.Our women and girls need to be familiar with the traits of a potential abuser and to stay away from such persons once they demonstrate any of such traits in their behaviour.On most occasions men’s excuses are that they are jealous. Nevertheless, jealousy has nothing to do with love. It is a sign of insecurity and possessiveness on the part of the abuser.Another aspect and motive for physical abuse is a controlling behaviour on the part of the man.It is used under the guise of wanting to protect the woman, as this behaviour worsens the abuser would require the woman to seek permission for the least of things or her actions.Women activists usually call for the implementation of laws that guarantee access to justice and services for women subjected to violence including rape and other forms of sexual violence, while at the same time requesting laws to be enacted that will protect women’s rights.Moreover, the majority of violence against women occurs in the private sphere of the family or in the community. Women are the object, in their own homes, of beatings, rape, and incest. Furthermore, women are also targets of violence in society such as sexual abuse,NFL Jerseys Store, trafficking, and forced prostitution.On Thursday, November 25, 2010 Guyana joined the world in observing International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. And on this occasion women were enlightened on the trait of abusers.Another sign of abuse is the severing of relationships from everyone who can offer the woman support in her time of despair.Rather than making women victims of violence men should collectively support them since they work so hard for a better standard of living and a better Guyana.Women possess not the aggression, the physical strength nor the aloofness to counter act the dangers of this world, so her gentleness, her care, her forgiving heart is beaten down, again and again as the need for power and control over the weaker sex consumes man, and that is shown in man’s need to rape, batter, insult and humiliate women which in turn fuels his strength and gives him that great feeling of superiority.Another fact to take note of is the numbers of cases in the courtrooms that involve violence against women where some of the perpetrators were dealt with accordingly, and other cases where the woman refuses to testify which keeps the cycle of violence onward and upward until her demise, which is also recorded in the media.Sexual violence against women is also high across the Caribbean, with all CARICOM countries showing higher than the global average per capita rates. This is according to United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).UNIFEM disclosed that crisis centres report significant under-reporting of all forms of violence especially sexual violence as victims lack confidence in the administration of justice. “Women victims did not expect police sympathy and would only report with great reluctance.”It must also be noted that Help and Shelter has over the past 16 years played a significant role in raising awareness of violence against women countrywide through their public education programmes, which include workshops and awareness sessions, dissemination of public educational materials, public service announcements and technical support to other organisations.It must be noted that since November 2000, more than 660 abused women and their children have been provided with a place of safety.

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發表於 2018-6-26 01:17:19 | 只看該作者

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