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發表於 2018-6-18 00:44:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Social Cohesion as part of the first ever “Social Cohesion Day”, on Wednesday evening held a special stage production; “One” at the National Cultural Centre.Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger with the performers of “One”.“One” showcased Guyana’s diverse and unique cultural background through various skits and performances. The event coincided with the first anniversary of the Coalition government.Russell Lancaster collaborated with the Ministry to create the special stage production. The unity concert addressed issues ranging from the victimization of Guyana’s indigenous people to the country’s ongoing initiative to close gaps of ethnic inequality and to create a peaceful co-existence of Guyanese as a nation.Minister of Social Cohesion,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, Amna Ally, in a video message stated that Guyanese should realize that for this nation to move forward “we have to perceive each other as one.” In light of our Jubilee anniversary celebrations drawing closer, she noted that Guyanese have started to come together.She said, “It has become necessary and imperative for us to work together and to create a society today where people’s cultural diversity is respected and celebrated.“Our human differences such as race, religion and culture are to be celebrated and incorporated in our goal of being One Guyana. We as a government are cognizant that there are gaps that exist within our society among cultures, ethnicity and religion along with other social, economic and political lines.”Some of the performers of “One” at the National Cultural Center.Minister Amna Ally posited that the closing of these gaps is necessary for peace, stability and the sustainable development of Guyana.“The Ministry of Social Cohesion, therefore, intends to create a paradigm shift within Guyana to achieve national unity; to create a society, which will work towards the wellbeing of all its members, fights exclusion and marginalization, creates a sense of belonging, promote trust and offers its members the opportunity of upward mobility.”Local comedians Chris Gopaul and Linden “Jumbie” Jones were among the actors to contribute to a memorable performance. There was the combination of Tassa drummers, Chinese drummers and African drummers.Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger, and Mayor Patricia Chase-Green were among the people enjoying the concert.

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