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[泰拳] Cheap NFL Jerseys China









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發表於 2018-6-18 02:17:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — The Atlanta Falcons have finalized their revamped coaching staff, less than two weeks after their disheartening loss in the Super Bowl to New England.
The Falcons announced Friday seven new hires,Jerseys Wholesale, including former Rutgers head coach Kyle Flood as assistant offensive line coach and offensive assistant Charlie Weis Jr.,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the son of the long-time coach. Also added Jerseys NFL Wholesale to the staff under head coach Dan Quinn: Dave Brock (offensive assistant), Bush Hamdan (quarterbacks coach),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Charlie Jackson (defensive assistant), Justin Outten (offensive assistant) and Jess Simpson (defensive assistant).
When offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach Kyle Shanahan left to become the head coach for San Francisco, Sarkisian was hired from Alabama.
Offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian and defensive line coach Bryant Young were brought on earlier, so roughly half of Quinn's staff will be new in the 2017 season. Several of the returning assistants also have new roles or titles.
Weis Jr. was an offensive analyst for Alabama the last two years. His father, Charlie Weis, was previously the head coach at Kansas and Notre Dame after Cheap Jerseys Online working as offensive coordinator for three NFL teams, winning three Super Bowls with the Patriots.
After squandering a 25-point lead in the Super Bowl loss to New England, the Falcons responded by firing defensive coordinator Richard Smith and defensive line coach Bryan Cox. Marquand Manuel was promoted from coaching the team's defensive backs to replace Cheap Jerseys Online Smith.

Flood, who will work with returning offensive line coach Chris Morgan,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, has 23 years of coaching experience, but none in the NFL,Blank Jersey, like most of the new additions to the Falcons. Flood sat out 2016 after 11 seasons with Rutgers, including four as head coach.
Simpson came from Buford High School in the Atlanta metro area,Cheap Jerseys, where he won seven Georgia state championships in 12 seasons as head coach. He spent 22 years on Buford's coaching staff.
Hamdan is Atlanta's new quarterbacks coach, bringing seven seasons of college experience to work with NFL MVP award winner Matt NFL Jerseys Cheap Ryan. Hamdan was the wide Jerseys NFL Wholesale receivers coach and pass game coordinator for Washington last year.

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