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發表於 2018-6-18 14:05:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– family demands private post mortem The third suspect in Saturday night’s shooting,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, Romario Gouveia, 19, died suddenly at the Georgetown Public Hospital, just one day after hospital sources said that he was “perfectly stable”.Mark Anthony JosephTearful relatives all gathered yesterday morning outside the Georgetown Public Hospital in total disbelief that the young man had passed away.According to an older brother, Sylvester Gouveia,Jerseys From China, relatives had requested to take the teen to a private institution to be treated. However that request was denied by hospital officials,Authentic Jerseys From China, who insisted that since it was “police’ matter the teen needed to be there.The brother further told Kaieteur News that relatives had visited his brother on Sunday and that he was “talking and sitting up” showing no signs of discomfort.“I telling you, this man wasn’t in no pain. He was talking to we and  telling we wah happen Saturday night…Now today he dead; something wrong deh,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys,” the tearful brother said.He said that relatives left around 18:00hrs and Gouveia was alive and well. The dead man’s brother added that they received a telephone call shortly before noon informing them that he had “passed away”. Relatives are calling for an independent and private post mortem examination.Jermaine Canterbury,NFL Jerseys China, 21, called “Chow”, of Hogg Street,wholesale jerseys china, Albouystown, and Mark Anthony Joseph, 19, called “Two Grand”, also of Hogg Street, Albouystown, were shot dead during the confrontation while Romario Gouveia, 19, of James Street, Albouystown, was shot in the head.In a statement on Sunday police said that acting on information about a planned robbery on an occupant of the K&VC Hotel,China Jerseys Cheap, South Road, Georgetown, they staked out the building last Saturday night.   Police stated that around 20:30hrs the police observed the occupants of a car, bearing registration number PPP 8539, drive up and stop in Alexander Street. According to the statement, three men exited the vehicle and proceeded towards the K&VC Hotel.“The police challenged the men who opened fire on them, and the ranks returned fire.Jermaine CanterburyThe young man told relatives that he was picked up by the police and taken to the area and told to run. He said the police eventually placed him to lie on the road side and shot him. According to one relative, the young man told them that when he was taken to the scene, the other two young men were already shot dead.His family members believe that the police may have thought that he was dead when they took him to the hospital.Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell has asked that witnesses to the incident come forward and supply statements, in the wake of conflicting reports about what really took place.The management at the K&VC hotel in a statement on Sunday said that there was no robbery or robbery attempt at the hotel. The management said staff and patrons heard the loud gunfire coming from the street outside the hotel and took precautions. There are calls by social activists for a full probe into the latest shooting by the Police.The Police in a statement said all three of the young men were previously charged for robberies and were all on bail.

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