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發表於 2018-6-18 16:38:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police are seeking the whereabouts of Gregory Emerson Hercules in connection with the murder of his reputed wife,Wholesale Jerseys Online, Arlene Morgou, or Arlene Persaud,Alejandro Gomez Jersey, at One and a Half Miles, Port Kaituma, North West District.Gregory Emerson HerculesThe killing is said to have occurred between October 23 and October 24,Wholesale Jerseys Online, 2015.Hercules is 29, of African ancestry. Police gave his last known address as One and a Half Miles, Port Kaituma.Anyone with information that may lead to his arrest is asked to contact the police on telephone numbers 225-6411, 226-1333, 225-2722, 226-9941, 777-4007, 911 or the nearest police station.Arlene Persaud, 28, a mother of five,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, was allegedly beaten to death by her partner,Cheap China Jerseys, after he was informed that she was seeing someone in the village while he was at the Backdam working.As a result, the reputed husband immediately made preparations to go home to confront his reputed wife, the mother of his children.On arriving, he allegedly found Persaud imbibing with friends at a neighbour’s house.There are reports that the man struck her on the head and then dragged her by the feet to their house where he continued to brutalise her. He then reportedly poured a bucket of water on her after she fainted.It is alleged that after Persaud regained consciousness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, her partner handed her their two-month-old child and instructed her to nurse the baby.“I heard when she started nursing the baby, he kicked her and she and the baby fall and hit their head. The other son then took the baby and carried him by his grandmother,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” a relative said.According to the woman, sometime after 23:30 hrs, Persaud went to her mother’s home and informed her that the suspect was beating her. The woman’s seven-year-old son reportedly found her lying lifeless in her bed the following day.

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