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NFL Jerseys Cheap z3qrgenc









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發表於 2018-6-19 08:23:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Another police officer has been brought before the courts,China Jerseys Cheap, this time charged with robbery under arms.Andrew Mingo, 26, a Cadet Officer attached at the Timehri Police Station, along with businessman Tony Ogle, 34, were both remanded after they appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton.Mingo and Ogle are accused of robbing Rakesh Bagoo on May 9, last, of a Toyota Rav 4, a quantity of gold and diamond jewellery, and $1.4M in cash. The charge also states that the defendants were armed with guns.They were represented by attorneys at law Ronald Burch-Smith and Nigel Anthony.Attorney at law Burch-Smith, who represented Ogle, stated that the accused resides at 86 Sideline Dam, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara.The lawyer further explained that Ogle was arrested since May 14 and kept beyond the stipulated detention period. The lawyer further told the court that such detention becomes “oppressive and inhumane”. There was no difficulty in getting him from Brickdam Police Station to the Magistrates’ Court, the lawyer said.He said that if the police had enough evidence to arrest him, they should have brought him to court at a more fashionable date.He said that many persons have even compared the Camp Street Prison as being better than the Brickdam Police lock-ups.“My client was beaten and the police kept him for 11 days so that the bruises would not be visible” the lawyer stated.He further explained that the police cannot use any information they may have got from the defendant while he was in police custody because of the time he was kept.The lawyer noted that while his client was in custody, the virtual complainant did not identify Ogle as the person who robbed him.The lawyer contended that Ogle should be granted his liberty, because of the fact that he was kept for 11 days.Attorney at Law Nigel Anthony in his bail application noted that Mingo, who resides at 154 First Street, Herstelling, is a serving member of the Guyana Police Force stationed at the Timehri Police Station.He explained that Mingo is also enrolled as a Cadet Officer, and from all indications from his superiors he has a distinguished record.The lawyer noted that Mingo fully cooperated with the police during the investigation, and the police in return treated him fairly, although the charge is a very frivolous one.Anthony said that even though Mingo is still a serving member of the force, he was still kept for 11 days.“Imagine my client is a police officer and he was kept for 11 days, much less a civilian.” The lawyer further stated that his client pose no flight risk, and even suggested that Mingo would surrender his passport as an act of surety. Anthony also stated that it was very strange that the virtual complainant in the matter is not even present in court, knowing that such a large quantum was allegedly stolen from him.He asked that bail be granted in a reasonable sum.However Police prosecutor Robert Clement objected to bail. The prosecutor further stated that there are some issues which need to be clarified, noting that the file have to return to the Director of Public Prosecutions for further advice.Attorney at law Ronald Burch-Smith interjected and stated that he welcomes the fact that the file is being sent back to the DPP, but noted that if the defendant is granted bail the police would usually rush the cases.The defendants are expected to make another court appearance on June 9.Over the months a number of serving members of the Guyana Police Force have been placed before the courts, some for demanding money by menace.Bertie Griffith a rank attached at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, allegedly demanded two pair of gold ear-rings worth $20,000, plus US$100 from Vishal Singh on December 14, last.However the virtual complainant who was present in court told the presiding magistrate that Griffith never demanded the items from him.The policeman was then ordered to pay a $20,000 court cost and had to sign a bond to keep the peace for two years.Brian De Mendonca was charged for demanding money using menace. The policeman allegedly demanded $70,000 from Randy Samuels.

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