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發表於 2018-6-19 17:48:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The road carnage that occurred in 2014 has spilled over to this year as two pedestrians were killed by a suspected drunk driver on the Richmond Public Road, Essequibo Coast, early yesterday morning.Dead are close friends Adrian Junior Osborne, 23, a labourer, and 20 year old Caricom Rice Mills employee Colin Anthony John called ‘Duffo’, both of Henrietta Village, Essequibo Coast.Colin Anthony JohnBoth men sustained massive injuries and died before receiving medical attention.The incident occurred around 05:00 hours while John and Osborne were walking home in the company of some other friends.Police attached to the Anna Regina Police Station on the Essequibo Coast managed to track down the driver who drove from the scene immediately after killing the two friends.The driver who was identified as 29-year-old, Satyanand Rampersaud,China NFL Jerseys, a jeweler of Hampton Court, Essequibo Coast is being questioned at the Anna Regina Police Station.Rampersaud who was driving motor car PRR 902 admitted to the police that he struck something while he was proceeding to his home but he was unsure of what it was.He said, at the time he was attempting to swerve to avoid colliding with another vehicle, which had encroached into his lane.John’s mangled body was recovered in a trench on the western side of the Richmond Public Road,NFL Jerseys Supply, while Osborne was discovered dead a few yards away on the parapet.Adeena Hercules,Cheap China Jerseys, Osborne’s stepsister related that she and a friend were walking from a shop at Richmond Village called “Top Point” when the accident occurred.A traffic rank escorts Satyanand Rampersaud to give his statement.According to Hercules,NFL Jerseys Supply, Osborne and his female friend were walking a short distance away holding hands when all of a sudden she heard a loud impact. John was also in that group.The woman said when she and her friend went to find out what had happened, she discovered her adopted brother lying dead on the Richmond Public Road. She said one of her brother’s hands was behind his back,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, while his feet appeared to be broken as well as his neck.John’s body was later pulled from the trench. Miraculously,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Osborne’s girlfriend escaped without a scratch.The car that had struck them down had sped away.However,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, the police, acting on information managed to trace the car to Rampersaud’s house where they found him hiding.A breathalyzer test was conducted and the driver was found to be way over the prescribed limit of alcohol consumption.Police are awaiting the results from a Post Mortem Examination to be performed on the young men before charges are instituted against Satyanand.

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