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China Jerseys Wholesale Bridgette Gangadin.Foreign Pathologist









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發表於 2018-6-19 18:41:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday was yet another short appearance in court for Dwarka ‘Dave’ Gangadin, because the foreign pathologist who was scheduled to be cross-examined failed to show up. Gangadin is accused of killing his wife, Bridgette Gangadin.Foreign Pathologist, Professor Hubert Daisely, was expected to be cross examined by Gangadin’s lawyer, Senior Council Bernard De Santos. However during yesterday’s hearing both the witness and Mr. De Santos were absence.Prosecutor Lloyd Thomas asked Magistrate Sherdell Isaacs-Marcus for a new date to be set for the continuation of the matter. Thomas told the court that the victim’s family had indicated that the Professor was scheduled to arrive in Guyana but this did not materialise in the end.The Magistrate then suggested that she could issue an arrest warrant as is customary for witnesses who fail to show up in court,Huarache Shoes For Men, but noted that she was not sure if it was possible for the Police to arrest the Professor in Trinidad.On Friday, last, the professor took the witness box where he led his evidence. His appearance came as a surprise to the entire court as persons were expecting the Magistrate to make her ruling on closing the case. The defense had argued that the prosecution was given ample time to present all of their witness.However the family had indicated that it was too costly to bring the pathologist in from Trinidad.Initially, the accused,Wholesale Jerseys 2020, grass track champion rider,Wholesale Air Max Tn, who is being represented by Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos,Nike Air Max 2018, was facing traffic charges resulting from the incident after a local Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh, found that the woman died from a fractured skull.His findings were said to be consistent with the version of events that the dead woman’s husband had given to investigators.Gangadin had told police that his wife fell out of the truck and he later admitted that he failed to render assistance to her after the rear wheels of the vehicle ran over her head.The woman’s body was discovered on the Vigilance Public Road, a few yards from the gate of the Vigilance Police Station compound.Relatives of the dead woman were not satisfied with the local Pathologist’s findings,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, and they eventually obtained the services of a foreign Pathologist for a second opinion.That opinion from Professor Hubert Daisley, found that there was evidence to suggest that Bridgette Gangadin was strangled and this led to the institution of the murder charge against the accused.Earlier, Defence Counsel De Santos had contested the legality of Bridgette’s relatives’ actions in obtaining the services of a foreign pathologist,Nike Shox Gravity, for a second opinion into the matter.De Santos had argued that the dead woman’s relatives will have to prove that their actions of obtaining a second autopsy was lawful in accordance with Section 43 of the Evidence Act while emphasizing that there was no authority from a Coroner for them to “deal with the body”.

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