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發表於 2018-6-19 20:18:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…. escapes with wedding bandBy Romila BoodramIndira Ramgobind, the vendor who lost her fingerA lone gunman on Tuesday morning shot off a vendor’s ring finger and escaped with her wedding band after dumping the severed finger in her selling cart.The incident occurred around 07:30 hrs at Third Street Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara (ECD).The vendor has been identified as 50-year-old Indira Ramgobind, a mother of four, of Lot 43 Coldingen, East Coast Demerara (ECD).She is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Female Surgical Ward.According to reports, Ramgobind and her husband, Shaheed Abrahim,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, were selling fish when they were confronted by the gunman who fired about five shots at them.The gunshots caused the woman’s husband to run for his life. Even the donkey ran away with the cart still attached,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, leaving the woman behind to battle with the bandit.On her hospital bed yesterday, Ramgobind said that the incident happened while she was sitting at the back of a donkey cart that was being guided by her husband.The woman explained that they had sold $4000 in fish for the morning. As they were about to enter the third street in Non Pareil, she observed a man signaling them to stop.“I tell my husband to stop but he said no, that it look too suspicious. I tell he no,Cheap NFL Jerseys, is fish the man wants. But my husband said no,NFL Jerseys China,” the mother of four recounted.She said that the gunman opened fire at them when they failed to stop.“He fired a shot in the air and my husband was trying to go faster (on the donkey cart). The man fired another shot and then he (gunman) grabbed and pulled me off the cart and tell me to put my face down,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys,” the vendor said.The woman added that it was the second shot that caused her to lose her finger.“I didn’t even realize I lost my finger. The whole finger fly off and left in the cart,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” she said.The vendor explained that when the gunman pulled her from the cart and put her to lie on the ground, he searched her pocket and escaped with the money she made earlier.He also removed the woman’s wedding band from her severed finger and then threw it (severed finger) back into the cart.While this was happening, the woman’s husband ran for his life. The donkey also ran but crashed into a nearby vehicle.When the gunman escaped, Ramgobind said that she was taken to a nearby clinic by her husband and was later transferred to the GPHC.No one has been arrested as yet.The devastated woman said that it was only the second day that she and her husband had started to sell fish.“I sell in the market on Saturdays but during the election season my husband lost his job so we decided to sell the fish until he get another job,China NFL Jerseys,” the wounded woman revealed.She is expected to be discharged shortly.

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