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發表於 2018-6-19 22:18:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…As Kraft recalls 6.5 million boxes worldwideThe Guyana Food and Drug Department will be launching investigations with a local company following the recall of 6.5 million boxes of original flavour Kraft Macaroni and Cheese worldwide.The recalled Kraft Macaroni and Cheese dinner.On Tuesday evening, Kraft Foods Group issued a statement indicating that some 242,000 cases of the brand were being voluntarily recalled due to possible metal contamination.These boxes were sold throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, Caribbean and some South American countries, the company said. None was shipped or sold in Canada.When contacted last evening, Government Analyst, Food and Drug Department (GAFDA) Director Marlon Cole, admitted that he was unaware of the recall.He subsequently said that the recall was due to a manufacturing defect that saw the introduction of a metal element.Cole further said GAFDA needed to confer locally with the official distributors, Toucan Industries, to verify whether the particular recalled batch had made its way to Guyana.“At this point, we don’t know whether the affected batch is here in Guyana,” Cole said.He said, too, that verifying the information would take less than a day.According to Cole, the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) would usually inform GAFDA on any such alerts coming from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Though GAFDA was yet to be alerted, Cole estimated that the message would be translated sometime soon.Up to last evening, the item was not on the FDA’s list of recalls and food safety alerts.Further, when questioned on sellers outside of the official distributors,Wholesale China Jerseys, Cole said that GAFDA will also be targeting this group.According to Kraft, the boxes, each 7.25-ounce in weight, all have expiration dates ranging from September 18, 2015 through October 11, 2015. Further, they are marked with the code “C2” directly below the date on each package, Kraft revealed.Some of the products were also packaged in multi-pack units with a range of different code dates and manufacturing codes on the boxes.Kraft had indicated that eight consumer complaints had been logged about the product, but there have been no reported injuries.Following the recall, Kraft Foods Group shares fell yesterday morning.

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