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發表於 2018-6-20 01:23:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Republic Bank (Guyana) yesterday launched its “”Power to make a Difference 2009″ programme, announcing financial contributions for youth, the elderly, the orphaned, the differently able, the socially disadvantaged, and for general community development.The 2009 programme is the final in a five-year pledge to give $81 million towards youth development through education, culture and sport, poverty alleviation and youth empowerment, said David Dulal-Whiteway, Republic Bank’s Chairman.“It is important for me to state here that our aim is not to blow our trumpet but, rather, to usher a new age of corporate consciousness in Guyanese in cases where these initiatives are the norm, not the exception.” The chairman made these remarks at a ceremony at the Bank’s Water Street headquarters in Georgetown.This year, Republic Bank is committing $5 million towards education and sport. This will go towards scholarship and career coach programmes with the University of Guyana; refurbishing the Houston Community High School, and rewarding top performers at the various examinations.Dulal-Whiteway said that meeting the needs of the differently-able is Republic Bank’s primary theme for 2009. Towards this end, the bank will collaborate with National Special Olympics Guyana to stage their annual sporting event.With regard to community projects, the bank is this year committing $5 million towards its collaboration with the Georgetown Mayor and City Council in the ongoing restoration of the Promenade Gardens in Georgetown.“…The Promenade Garden adds beauty and texture to the city of Georgetown. This lead heritage site has been a major community project of Republic Bank, and has benefited from major refurbishment and maintenance over the years,” he said.Another community project to which the bank remains committed is the sponsorship of a room at the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, which can be used, if needed, by persons who need the medical care but are unable to afford the facility. A sum of $150,000 will go towards the annual upkeep of its furniture, fixtures and accessories.The bank is also this year continuing its commitments to assisting charitable organisations by committing $500,000 to assist with basic infrastructural and other needs of the Dharm Shala, Uncle Eddie’s Home, Archer and Byer Homes, the Nazareth Home, St. John’s Bosco Orphanage, St. Ann’s Orphanage, Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, Gentlewomen’s Relief Association, Radio’s Needy Children’s Fund, the Guyana Red Cross Society, Canaan’s Children’s Home and Kamal’s Home for the Orphaned.“This bank boasts a long history of corporate consciousness, and we envision and embrace a future where we can, and will, in fact, remain steadfast to our goal of sustained social development within the local communities we serve,” said Edwin Gooding, Managing Director.He said that social development is ranked equally high among the bank’s other priorities of profitability, professionalism, and customer and employee satisfaction.

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