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發表於 2018-6-20 01:42:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A new board has been appointed at the Kuru Kuru Cooperative College and will soon take on the task of restructuring the programmes of the institution to be more relevant to national developmental needs.The school is located at D’Urban Backlands,Stitched Jerseys, Georgetown and is registered under the National Accreditation Council. Its account was recently audited by Education Ministry officialsThe board is chaired by University of Guyana (UG) Bursar, John Seeram,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who is also the chairman of the newly constituted board of the Carnegie School of Home Economics. Other members include Chief Co-op Development Officer, Kareem Abdul-Jabar; Deputy Chief Education Officer (Technical),Wholesale China Jerseys, Suresh Baijnauth; National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) Curriculum Unit Head, Sandra Persaud; Woman Affairs Director, Hymawattie Lagan; Adult Education Association Director, Patricia David; and National Parent Teacher Association Coordinator,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Carol Benn.According to a release from the Ministry of Education,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, the recently appointed board among other things will also pay strong attention to matters of staffing and maintenance of the college.Education Minister Shaik Baksh, who installed the board,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, charged its members to work hard to realise the new vision of the college, and to revive co-operative education which has been de-emphasised over the years. He urged the members to consult with the Private Sector Commission to ascertain the areas where skilled personnel are needed and to design new programmes or revise existing ones to meet those needs.The programmes offered by the school, he said, must be of a quality standard to gain recognition from employers,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, particularly in the private sector.Baksh said too that the programmes must be looked at in a broad context, pointing out that they must be of a standard that will allow students to further their education at institutions ofhigher learning.On this point, the minister requested that the board implement the newly launched entrepreneurship education programme for technical students and focus on developing the school into a vibrant information technology centre.He also suggested that the college forge a closer relation with the Carnegie School of Home Economics with the aim to offer basic programmes that will be outside the major focus of Carnegie, when it embarks on its new vision as a training and hospitality institute.The school, he said, too, can explore offering remediation programmes in core subject areas for students who did not perform well at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations.The new board will submit a report to Minister Baksh, by September, on the way forward for the college.The minister is expected to table the report to cabinet for approval and funding to actualise the new vision for the school.The board is also hoping that the school will receive an increase in subvention from government to meet its day-to-day operations.

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