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發表於 2018-6-20 01:43:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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De world will always remember 9/11. That was de day in 2001 when terrorists knock America so hard that dem change up nuff of dem policy. 9/11/2012 knock Guyana hard. That was de day when Jagdeo saddle de country wid a project that all aweee pickney, great grand pickney and great-great grand pickney gun holler and suffer to repay a debt. Dem gun pay through dem nose.The project is one that Jagdeo and Brazzy and Shaatie design fuh enrich demself. Is de hydro seed project. Just like how dem terrorist pay and still paying is suh dem who saddle Guyana wid this debt gun pay and pay dear. That is wha dem boys wish pun dem and dem offspring, dem Mooma,Nike Air Max 2018 Womens, dem Daddy,Air Max 97 2018, dem buddy and plus dem sissy too.Dem boys telling de nation that dem got nutten against de hydro. Even Uncle Donald want hydro. But at wha’ cost? Dem boys want fuh tell Uncle Donald that want is something that every human being know about. Every day somebody want something,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, but at wha’ cost?Some want car but wha’ dem gun pay? None of dem gun pay $8 million fuh a $3 million Allion. Children does want bicycle,Air Max 1 Atmos For Sale, but no parent gun pay $100,000 fuh a $15,000 bicycle. Nobody gun pay $10,000 fuh a $500 underwear.Is like man. He does want woman but fuh sure he nah gun indebt heself or go in ee bank account fuh a li’l piece.  Rob Earth,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Irfaat, Carl and Joe from de Palm 3 party know that well. Dem does go in dem pocket but not in dem bank account. Dem boys hear that Irfaat does cheat dem poor li’l gyal.But dem boys know fuh sure that de hydro is like a pole fuh all aweee. You don’t have choice ‘bout how much you gun tek. You have a choice fuh grin,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap, smile, laugh, cry or complain.Talk half or complain to Uncle Donald.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-30 20:30:51 | 顯示全部樓層

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"It's always been in my head since I was little playing street football,Air Max 270 Sale, I was thinking about playing in the NFL, but never doing the right things, never having that determination to be in the NFL right away,Cheap Adidas Superstar Shoes," he said at the Browns' rookie mini-camp last week. "And then when I got to high school, I started setting more goals and started competing more and started to improve and started to progress. I started competing against better people in college,Cheap Atlanta Braves Jerseys, and now I'm in the league competing against some of the best."
Despite a glaring need for a franchise quarterback and big-play wide receiver, the Browns used their two picks in this year's draft on Shelton and Erving, players they hope will be future cornerstones.
So,Swingman Nike NBA Jerseys, it's fitting that Danny Shelton and Cameron Erving, the Browns' two first-round picks, both signed their rookie contracts on Friday. They're quite a twosome.
With Shelton and Erving signed, the Browns have now reached deals with eight of their league-high 12 draft picks.
Erving began last season as Florida State's left tackle but shifted to center, snapping to quarterback Jameis Winston. The No. 19 overall pick's versatility gives the Browns some options up front and a fallback plan should Pro Bowl center Alex Mack opt out of his contract after next season.
Last week, the Browns worked him out at guard as well as tackle and center.

The 6-foot-5, 313-pound Erving is confident wherever the Browns decide to put him.
Financial terms of the four-year deals were not immediately available.
That's fine with Shelton, who got off to a slow start in college but has matured and is now living out a childhood dream.
The 6-foot-2, 340-pound Shelton was taken No. 12 overall. The Browns intend to plug the former Washington standout into the middle of their line to fix a rushing defense that ranked last in the NFL last season.
CLEVELAND (AP) — They were drafted the same night,Air Max 97, introduced together the next day and snapped on new orange helmets and took the field as wide-eyed rookies last week for the first time.
"I'm an offensive lineman,Air Max 90 Black And White Mens," he said. "That's not being cocky. That's just somebody that takes pride in what they do."
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-7-10 03:51:03 | 顯示全部樓層

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Jordan hasn't taken part in a full practice since Miami's 27-3 preseason victory at Jacksonville on Aug. 9. Jordan did non-contact work early in practice Thursday,China Jerseys, before doing side work with a trainer.
Jordan underwent surgery for a torn labrum in his right shoulder on Feb,Cheap Jerseys. 28 and began training camp on the non-football injury list,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys. He came off the list and began practicing on the third day of camp,Cheap Jerseys From China.
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