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發表於 2018-6-20 06:38:46 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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–    Agency to network with Guyana Police ForceThe Guyana Revenue Authority announced on Wednesday that beginning January 1, 2012, a new Motor Vehicle Licences (MVLs) system will be introduced.Under this new system,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, MVLs will be valid for a period of one (1) year effective from the anniversary date of registration of the motor vehicle, as opposed to the current system where MVLs are only valid for the year in which they were purchased. Hence,NFL Jerseys From China, if a motor vehicle was registered on January 15,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, 2011, then the anniversary date for renewal will be January 15, 2012.Addressing the issue, Commissioner-General Mr. Khurshid Sattaur noted that the new system will “improve the quality of service provided to the public and reduce the strains and frustrations felt by the staff of the GRA and the public we serve.”Vehicle owners who renewed their MVL during 2011 will only be required to produce a copy of their Motor Vehicle Registration Certificates when purchasing their 2012 Motor Vehicle Licences. Owners of ‘enclosed goods vehicles’ and ‘yellow cabs’ are still required to present their vehicles for mandatory inspection by the Licence Officer. However, persons whose vehicles were licenced prior to the year 2011, but failed to renew their licences in 2011, are required to check with the Motor Vehicle Licence Clerk before proceeding to the Cashier.According to Mr. Wayne Austin, Senior Manager, Licence Revenue Office,Jerseys From China, “it was difficult for us to ignore the frustration expressed by some taxpayers regarding our MVL process. The GRA expects that this staggered approach and other measures which will complement it, will -manifest in a friendlier service delivered to the public.”Other improvementsVehicle owners renewing their licences in 2012 will be notified via mail of the due date(s) for the renewal of MVLs for vehicles registered under their names. This does not preclude persons from renewing their licences before the anniversary of the registration of their motor vehicles. Any changes in mailing addresses and other personal data should be reported to the agency.Businesses or individuals who own or control in excess of 20 vehicles, will be facilitated via a special facility which will allow them to schedule a date on which they can purchase or renew all of their MVLs at the same time.As is customary, the MVL will possess security features geared at ensuring the integrity of the document and safeguarding against forgeries. In order to curb the number of unlicenced motor vehicles traversing the roadways,Cheap Jerseys China, at the end of each month,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the GRA will provide the Guyana Police Force with the details of motor vehicles for which licences were not renewed.As a result of the expected reduction in the total number of vehicle owners expected to be attended to each month under the new system, the Licence Revenue Office will only sell MVLs to motor vehicle owners in Georgetown. Persons residing outside of Region four (4) can renew or purchase their licences at their nearest GRA regional office. MVLs will no longer be sold at contingency outlets such as,Jerseys Wholesale, the Tax Operations and Services Department and the Customs and Trade Administration Department.These new measures are designed to reduce the number of vehicle owners visiting the Licence Revenue Office during the ‘peak licencing period’. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of vehicles imported into Guyana. As a consequence, despite introducing an electronic information system and selling MVLs at more locations, the GRA was challenged to sell MVLs to the ballooning number of vehicle owners within the traditional three month window (March – June) after the reading of the National Budget.

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發表於 2018-6-29 21:30:30 | 顯示全部樓層

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