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發表於 2018-6-20 09:02:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-policeTwo teenage girls lured 64-year-old Roger Manikam to the kitchen of his Non Pareil, East Coast DemeraraDead: Roger Manikamhome last Saturday night, where a boyfriend of one of the girls chopped the pensioner with an axe.The young killers then dumped Manikam’s body on the Coldingen Railway Embankment, in the hope that police would believe that the pensioner was the victim of a violent robbery.But under interrogation yesterday, one of the teens reportedly confessed to helping to kill Manikam, citing emotional abuse by the victim as a motive.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said yesterday that the two girls,Wholesale Jerseys China, who are related to Manikam, and a male associate are in custody, while investigators are searching for another young man,Cheap Jerseys China, who reportedly transported the body by vehicle.The body of Roger Manikam of Lot 237 Section B Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, was found on the Coldingen Railway Embankment at around 06:30 hrs on Sunday. The victim bore a wound to the head. A length of cord was also wrapped around the body.Initial suspicion was that the father of two was slain during a robbery, since his pockets were reportedly “turned inside-out.”Manikam’s daughter,NFL Jerseys China, Naline,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, was adamant that her father always walked with money and was carrying over $100,000 when he was murdered.She had also said that Manikam would usually leave home without telling anyone.She had also claimed that she last saw her father alive at around 20:00 hrs on Saturday before she and her step-sister retired to bed.But detectives reportedly became suspicious when they revisited the scene yesterday and observed that a length of clothesline at Manikam’s home was similar to the length of cord that the killers had used to tie their victim.The repeated suggestions that the victim was carrying “a lot of money” also made investigators suspect that individuals were trying to make them believe that robbers had killed Manikam.They began to focus their attention on two teenage girls and an 18-year-old male friend. One of the suspects eventually confessed.According to reports, the girls who are Manikam’s relative alleged that the pensioner had subjected them to years of emotional abuse, including threatening to put them out.The teens reportedly complained to an 18-year-old male friend,Wholesale Jerseys, and they hatched a plan to kill Manikam.On Saturday night, the two girls reportedly went into the kitchen and began to make a commotion to lure the pensioner out of his bedroom.When an angry Manikam eventually headed to the kitchen to berate the girls,Cheap Jerseys China, the 18-year-old boyfriend of one of the teens chopped the pensioner on the head with an axe. They then contacted another male friend, who took the body in a car to the Coldingen Railway Embankment.This has been a year in which police have solved a spate of murders that were staged to appear to be committed by robbers.

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