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[田徑] Off White Vapormax Retail Price of Tucber Park









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發表於 2018-6-20 10:52:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…police told them they must do so—say parentsA critically ill accident victim unable to talk, walk , sit, eat or do anything for himself and with tubes hanging from his body and was force to be taken to court for no apparent reason other than the police instructed his relatives to take him there.Persons attending the New Amsterdam Magistrate court on Friday including policemen,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, Court staff and lawyers were in awe when a car with the gravely ill 16-year-old accident victim, Damion Barry,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes, of Lot 13 East Canefield East Canje pulled up outside the building.According to Barry’s Mother, Hyacinth Barry, they were first told that the matter would have been called up on Thursday.She and other relatives spent almost the entire day Thursday in court,Air Max 97 Wholesale, but no case was called. When they enquired at the station they were told that it was a mistake and the matter would be called on Friday.The critically injured Damion Barry in the car, supported by his brother and motherMrs. Barry stated that she was at home on Thursday when a policeman pulled up and told them that Damion has to be in court on Friday. When they enquired of the policeman why, he told them he is working with instructions.To make matters worst the almost helpless young man was left in the car in the boiling sun for almost three hours because the court room was packed and he could not be taken inside. Relatives stated that their many queries as to why he has to be in court and when the case would be called were met with silence. In one instance when relatives enquired they were told that the case docket was not ready. Another enquiry some time later was met with the information that the docket was at the bottom.In court Marcus James, 22, of Tucber Park,Nike Air Max 95 Sale, New Amsterdam, appeared before magistrate Adela Nagamootoo and pleaded not guilty to two charges that on Monday July 4t(Caricom Day) on the Fort Canje public road he drove motor car PKK 6296 in a dangerous manner to the public thus causing injuries to Damion Barry.The second charge is that on the same day and place whilst driving the said motor car his blood alcohol level exceed the prescribed limit.He was placed on $10,Nike Air Max 1 Womens Sale,000 bail on the first charge and $5,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens,000 on the second charge and will have to return to court on Friday December 16.Barry was struck down about 15:00 hrs on the day in question by the  speeding white Toyota 212 motor car reportedly driven by the accused. The lad spent more that a month in a coma in the Georgetown Public Hospital. He was however returned to the New Amsterdam Hospital and then sent home a week ago.His relatives are peeved that he was sent home after being discharged from the New Amsterdam hospital.According to his relatives the lad was at the time of the accident doing a SIMAP programme and was due to graduate this month. He had left home to purchase a pair of shoes and clothes for his graduation and was on his way back home when he was struck down by the speeding car, after the driver allegedly lost control and slammed into him before plunging into a trench.Damion was picked up in an unconscious condition, bleeding profusely and rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital before he was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.Damion suffered severe head injuries in addition to other broken body parts and internal injuries.

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