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Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale but not greater than necessary









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發表於 2018-6-20 12:01:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years after being stopped by US airport officials with US$35,000 in cash and later facing chargesFacing jail: Vilton Bournerelating to cocaine trafficking conspiracy, a Guyanese man is now facing up to nine years in jail.According to court documents filed earlier this month in a New York court, Vilton Bourne, on August 18, 2015, pleaded guilty, via a plea agreement, to conspiring to import cocaine into the US.The documents explained that the defendant participated in a cocaine importation conspiracy in which persons imported cocaine from a Guyanese supplier. The cocaine was disguised as various food items. In conversations, the persons involved in the conspiracy would refer to the cocaine as gold.Bourne was said to be a facilitator of couriers for the conspiracy. He was also involved in smuggling cash to Guyana. In February 2014,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit, the defendant attempted to board a flight from JFK to Guyana carrying US$35,577 in his suitcases and on his person.According to court documents, after being advised of the currency reporting regulations and asked to complete a reporting form, the defendant declared that he was transporting only US$9,000. Law enforcement recovered the additional currency and found a scale in one of the defendant’s suitcases.Law enforcement agents subsequently arrested the defendant. In post-arrest statements, the defendant admitted that a supplier offered him US$1000 to pick up a courier from JFK in November 2013,Nike Tns Wholesale, and he knew that the courier was bringing in drugs or money and“something was up.”The defendant also admitted to being aware of the currency reporting requirements and under-reporting, and stated that the scale in his suitcase was used by a friend of his to weigh gold.The drugs were also taken from Trinidad and transported on one occasion in eight boxes containing Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cakes.The court documents said that investigators retrieved numerous WhatsApp messages between Bourne and a courier.On another occasion, in September 2013, a male courier went on his first trip to Guyana,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black, retrieved a suitcase from a supplier, and brought it back to the United States.The defendant followed this male courier on the flight back from Guyana, met with the courier in the arrivals area of John F. Kennedy International Airport, and retrieved the suitcase.A few months later, in January 2014, the defendant assisted in making arrangements for the courier to make a second trip to Guyana.Bourne took the courier to JFK to purchase a ticket and then took him home afterwards. A few days later,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk, around the time of the courier’s departure for the second trip, the defendant sent another co-conspirator a text message stating, “Hopeful they let him on.”There were indications that Bourne and co-conspirators monitored the couriers as they boarded the flights to Guyana.Prosecutors said that Bourne’s total offense level is 29, which according to sentencing guidelines ranges between 87-108 months, in terms of jail time.“Such a term of incarceration would reflect the seriousness of the defendant’s crimes,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, promote respect for the law, provide adequate deterrence to the defendant and to others contemplating similar acts, and be sufficient,Cheap Air Max Tn, but not greater than necessary, to achieve the purposes set forth in 18 U.S.C.”

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