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– Guyana team on six-day visitCuba has invited Guyana to discuss further assistance to the sugar industry and for the country’s agriculture diversification programme.“The Cuban Government has expressed an interest in supporting Guyana’s agricultural sector in addition to its scholarship programme.The Ministry of Agriculture has been invited to pursue specific areas of cooperation in sugar and agriculture diversification,NFL Jerseys China,” the Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday in a government statement.Leading the team to Cuba for the visit which is expected to end on Monday, is Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, and accompanying him are Dr. Dwight Walrond, Head, Livestock Development Unit of the Guyana Livestock Development Board and Rajendra Singh, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Guyana Sugar Corporation.While in Cuba, Persaud is expected to meet with his counterpart and other related agencies, visit farms and agriculture-based industries, as well as source specialists and other inputs desired for the sugar industry and diversification.Over the years, Cuba has been providing assistance in areas of education, aquaculture, “shade house technology” and livestock development, the statement said. Recently also, government had indicated that it was looking to improve on the current scholarship programme with Cuba which ends this year.Eighteen Guyanese have left for Cuba recently to pursue studies in medicine, bringing to a close the 2010 quota of Cuban scholarship students studying to become doctors. Government has said that Guyana and Cuba are set to strike a negotiation for more students.Next year, the largest batch of 300 students will be returning to Guyana, bringing the aggregate of Cuban graduate doctors in Guyana to 750. More students are also expected home in 2012 and 2013.The focus of the scholarship programme after this will be directed to other specialty areas.“We will be looking at more in the field of agriculture, engineering, but we are not going to do a lot of undergraduate medicine,” Public Service Minister Jennifer Westford said.The Cuban Scholarship Programme started in 2002 when the Cuban Government offered Guyana 350 scholarships. It was extended in 2006 when President Jagdeo and Cuba’s former President Fidel Castro signed an agreement for a further 965 scholarships over the period 2006 to 2010.The scholarships are offered in various disciplines, including medicine, engineering, technology, agriculture and telecommunications.

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