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發表於 2018-6-20 14:09:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Constant complaints by Amerindians and other groups led to government’s decision to halt the issuance of any new mining permits for river claims.According to Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, there are several health and other environmental risks associated with river mining, and hinterland riverain communities are also under threat facing a loss of livelihood.Many communities also depend on the waterways for food and even for drinking water.While the almost 4,000 river mining operations will continue to be allowed, there will be increased monitoring,China Jerseys Cheap, the official said in a press conference on Friday.A river dredge in operationRiver mining activities are currently being conducted in Regions 1,Cheap Jerseys From China, 7, 8 and 9.Under regulations, mining claims can be made for land and river or in the tributaries.Government on Thursday said that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has been overwhelmed by reports from a wide cross-section of stakeholders, of damage caused by increasingly irresponsible mining in Guyana’s rivers and tributaries. As such, in a review of the measures being taken in the mining sector to crack down on illegal mining, the environmental aspects of mining were also thoroughly examined.“As a consequence of the reports, and a review of the far reaching negative impacts of river mining, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, through the GGMC, took the position of not accepting any new applications for river claims until further notice and consultation,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, especially,Cheap NFL Jerseys, with Amerindians and riverain communities.”There was widespread damage to the river banks which cannot be reclaimed within a short period and which will usually take several years to mitigate.Some of the negative effects also include the widening of the river channel and weakening of soil at river banks resulting in toppling of trees into the river course. Blockages and changes to the main river channels result in un‐navigable channels in the dry seasons. This has implications for navigation and safety on the waterways, the Ministry said.There were also “complaints from communities downstream of active river dredge operations,NHL Jerseys Authentic, highlighting their inability to undertake subsistence fishing and hunting, washing and bathing and to access potable water in proximity to settlements.”There were fish deaths, too, and unsightly and huge sand and gravel islands created in the river resulting in restriction of water flow and flooding upstream.According to the Ministry, there is a review of current fees and fines associated with environmental degradation.“Studies are also being done to determine the extent of the environmental damage done by river mining and especially by the sophisticated river dredges, many of which are operating on a 24- hour basis.”Due to high prices of gold in recent years, there has been a rush to Guyana’s gold fields.Last year,Cheap NFL Jerseys, since the departure of Omai Gold Mines, Guyana recorded its highest declarations.This year,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, government’s target is in line to surpass even last year’s with 187,000 ounces already declared or 8% above projections.Government has recently announced a crackdown in illegal mining, conducting raids to several mining camps and ordering Brazilians to get registered or face arrests.

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