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發表於 2018-6-20 16:53:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Head of the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, James Singh,Cheap Jerseys, has denied allegations that his ranks inflicted a severe beating on Vreed-en-Hoop,Wholesale Jerseys, West Coast Demerara resident,China Jerseys Cheap, Seshnarayan Dwarka,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, on Tuesday last, causing him to be hospitalized.Seshnarayan Dwarka reported the matter to Kaieteur News on Friday stating that he was taken from his home on Monday by CANU ranks.Dwarka had stated that the ranks had conducted a search at his home and came up empty handed. Singh told Kaieteur News that Dwarka who served 24 months in prison on a drug conviction was brought into the office for questioning following the disappearance of some articles.Seshnarayan Dwarka,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, displaying his injuries He said that the man admitted that he took the items and gave a statement to this effect and even took them to a location.Singh said that Dwarka left the office without any marks on his body and expressed puzzlement at the man’s allegations.Singh said his ranks do not engage in beating anyone because they try to do all in their power to attract attention. CANU does not want anyone to be targeting its ranks, Singh said.Dwarka told Kaieteur News that a black bag was placed over his head and about 15 ranks assaulted him about the body. But the CANU head denied any such thing.The man also showed Kaieteur News photographs of his bruised and distended stomach.Kaieteur News was told by Dwarka that after he was taken from his home,Discount NFL Jerseys, he was handcuffed and taken into a tinted motorcar.He was then taken to CANU headquarters on Homestretch Avenue for further questioning.The man said that the officers started questioning him about some “missing drugs and a Blackberry cell phone”.Dwarka said that he was placed in a room with about 15 ranks who started beating him about the body to make him talk.A black bag was then placed over his head and Dwarka alleges that the ranks started stomping him in the abdomen. He was eventually released one day after, without charge.But Singh said that the man must have had some ulterior motive for fabricating the story. He said that in all his years at CANU no one has ever claimed to have been beaten.He used as an example, a man who confessed to giving drugs to an outbound passenger, who was nabbed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.Dwarka has contacted his lawyer attorney at law Nigel Hughes who has hinted an intention of filing criminal and civil charges against CANU.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-25 17:30:08 | 只看該作者

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The Cardinals also released tackle Kelvin Palmer from the practice squad Tuesday.
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