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Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men Mr Compton Marques









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發表於 2018-6-20 23:53:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Some residents of De Velde Village in the Berbice River have accused  a Joint Services team that was recently in the village, of a spate of theft from  homes in the area.Lindie Lashley, a representative of the villagers, said yesterday that the thefts were mainly from the homes of people who were out on the Coast.The articles stolen included television sets,Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, lighting plants,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Cheap, DVD players and other expensive items.De Velde is located about 50 miles upriver from Rosignol on the left bank of the Berbice River.Lashley said that the members of the team had been stationed in the De Velde area from June 4,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Men, last up to June 20, for the purpose of location and destroying marijuana cultivations.He said that the members had used an unoccupied house in the area as their base.It was during this period, he said,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, that people who had left their homes to visit relatives on the Coast returned to find their homes broken into and ransacked and items missing.Lashley said that he had received reports from six persons whose homes had been broken into.One affected resident,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, Mr Compton Marques, said that he left his home four miles away from De Velde with everything intact two weeks ago to visit his wife and family at Rosignol, West Bank Berbice.When he returned two days ago he found the house in which he had left several valuable household articles such as his television set,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, his lighting plant and other items including beds and mattresses, completely empty.Based on information received he and others searched the house where the officers and ranks had been based and he found a DVD set which was his but which had not been in working order for some time.It had been left in this building.Both Marques and Lashley said they had contacted the Police at New Amsterdam, which is the closest Police Outpost to De Velde and they had been advised to tell all the affected residents to travel to New Amsterdam and submit statements of their losses.He said that the aggrieved residents plan to travel to New Amsterdam this weekend.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-7-3 15:35:16 | 顯示全部樓層

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Running back Ronnie Hillman (foot) did not practice all week and was ruled out Friday,Wholesale Jerseys China. Backup tight end Virgil Green (knee) also is inactive after being questionable,Jerseys NFL Cheap. Ball missed five games,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys.
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