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發表於 2018-6-21 00:09:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Titans chose Centennial High for its location right off Interstate 65 along with plenty of parking and bleachers on each side of the field. The team's grounds crew worked with the high school this summer to make sure the field was ready for the NFL team. The team also brought along inflatables with food trucks on hand.
So when the Titans got off the buses, they found a crowd of 6,822 waiting for a practice on a perfect summer night with temperatures in the mid-70s. They signed autographs before taking the field and then lined the edge of the field for the national anthem to kick the night off in style.
"That's a great turnout," Mularkey said. "Yeah I think it is. For a Friday night? There's lots to do in Nashville and to have them come out here and support us I think that's a great number."
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The Titans loaded onto buses for the short drive south of Nashville to this Jerseys NFL Wholesale historic town for their first night practice of camp. Coach Mike Mularkey, who has his own good memories of playing high school games on Friday night,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, called it a fun night.
"I've always enjoyed this,Cheap Jerseys," Mularkey said. "I've done this before other places I've been. Cheap Football Jerseys China It's a great environment. It's fun for everybody,Cheap NFL Jerseys China. I know the players' energy level was great coming down here. They didn't fail to NFL Jerseys Online perform."
Notes: The Titans will practice Saturday night inside Nissan Stadium with a scrimmage featuring 10 scheduled drives.
"I thought our players really enjoyed the environment based on the way they practiced, and I think we got a lot done we got a lot done, and I think people were pleased to see what kind of team we have," Mularkey said.
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) — The Tennessee Titans found a way to break up the monotony of the opening week of training camp: Their first ever Friday night lights excursion.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-23 22:15:10 | 只看該作者

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"I really wish you could see the joy on their faces when they knew they were going to the movie,Cheap Jerseys USA, so I think they enjoyed being able to go to the concession stand to get some candy," Whisenhunt said.

Notes: Rookie Travis Coons handled the kicking Wednesday in practice,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China. Whisenhunt said Maikon Bonani has a sore groin muscle. ,China Jersyes Cheap... Rookie DB Marqueston Huff had a nice interception of Charlie Whitehurst,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale.
At the theater, the Titans had their choice of three movies. Receiver Nate Washington chose "Into the Storm" but said he didn't nap because receivers coach Shawn Jefferson sat beside him and never stopped talking. Whisenhunt saw "Hercules" but refused to critique the movie.
Whisenhunt has not announced a date for the end of training camp, and he said Wednesday he considers camp stretching until the team cuts the roster to 75.
"I am not a movie critic," Whisenhunt said.
NASHVILLE,Cheap Jerseys From China, Tenn. (AP) — Ken Whisenhunt says he wanted to reward his Tennessee Titans with a surprise trip to the movies, and the first-year coach is leaning toward letting them check out of the team hotel once they return from a road trip to New Orleans.
The real reward will come when the Titans are allowed to check out of the hotel, which will mark an end to the 18-hour days of camp.
But Whisenhunt says the Titans practiced well enough Tuesday that he rewarded them with the movie.
The coach quickly said to laughs that right guard Chance Warmack didn't have any candy. Warmack reported to training camp within a pound of where the Titans wanted him,Jerseys NFL China.
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