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發表於 2018-6-21 01:02:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– GREMA calls for deals to be scrappedThe Guyana Rice Exporters and Millers Association (GREMA) has registered its discontent against theGRDB Director,Nike Air Max Zero Mens,Jinnah RahmanGuyana Rice Development Board (GRDB),Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk, for an agreement it recently signed with Musson Limited and Jamaica Rice Milling Company Limited (JRMCL)Both companies have reportedly agreed to import 80,000 tonnes of rice from Guyana during 2016.Noting that they were never even consulted, the GREMA Board of Directors yesterday slammed GRDB for its insistence on negotiating with these two companies. According to GREMA, if GRDB continues down this path, the local industry will be put in a worse financial position than ever before.“The GREMA Board of Directors would like to inform all Rice Millers,Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, Rice Farmers and the general public that they are not in support of the Agreement recently signed between Mussons and JRMCL and the GRDB that will effectively limit rice importation into Jamaica to these two Jamaican Companies.”“While on the surface this agreement appears as though it is intended to increase the price and quantity of rice which millers can export to the Jamaican Market,” the Association said. “In reality, the reverse is likely to take place.”“Firstly, GREMA was never consulted on this agreement and was only made aware of it after it was signed by the parties concerned. While we have voiced our concerns about this, to date the GRDB continues to negotiate with these two Jamaican Companies without our involvement, although in the end it is not the GRDB that produces and sells the rice, but local rice millers and farmers.”GREMA’s second point of contention was that since the agreement “artificially fixes” Guyana’s export price toGRDB General Manager Nizam HassanJamaica above the existing free market price, then there is a strong possibility that Guyana can lose its share of the Jamaican market to Suriname. The association pointed out that Suriname can continue to offer rice to Jamaica at the existing free market price.Its third point noted that the agreement between the GRDB and Mussons Limited/JRMCL can be considered an anti-competitive business agreement, which is prohibited by Article 177 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (Caricom).“Fourth, since this agreement can result in higher prices for the Jamaican consumers, there is the possibility that Jamaica could consider removing the CET (Common External Tariff) on rice to allow cheaper extra regional imports of rice into Jamaica.”Considering those four factors, GREMA made it clear that the agreement in its present form and “the contracts that millers are being required to sign with these two Jamaican Companies” would be a huge setback for the rice industry on a financial scale.“This will result in our rice industry being in a worst financial position than it was under the old free market system,” GREMA said. “It will not only negatively affect millers,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, but also impact negatively on the livelihoods of our local rice farmers.”GREMA made it clear that the agreement must be cancelled for the good of the industry and called on the Government to intervene in GRDB to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.GRDB General Manager,Adidas Nmd r1 Women, Nizam Hassan,China Jerseys Wholesale, has acknowledged that Section 41 of the GRDB Act makes it clear that approval for contracts for export of paddy or its byproduct has to be submitted to the board for approval. He has also affirmed that GRDB had never acted outside the law.Rice ready for export.“In addition to committing to import increased volumes of rice, the companies have also established a price schedule with the minimum price to be paid for white rice being US$400 per tonne,” GRDB had said by way of explanation.GREMA’s claims of not being consulted until after the agreement was signed are, however, similar to contentions made by GRDB director and Rice Producers Association-Action Committee (RPA-AC) co-Chairman, Jinnah Rahman. In a recent interview, Rahman made it clear that these contracts were only presented to the board after it had been signed.Rahman stated that the marketing subcommittee is an integral part of GRDB’s operations. Noting the Terms of Reference of the subcommittee, he affirmed that its mandate was to examine and give its recommendations for exporters and millers contracts.“The subcommittee terms of reference says that all contracts and licenses that will be given to exporters and millers are supposed to come to the subcommittee, which form part of the board, for discussion and then be recommended to the board. We saw none of that.”According to Rahman, the members were confronted with the contract at a subcommittee meeting, which was called after it was signed. He noted that signing unto the contracts was GRDB General Manager Nizam Hassan. Rahman expressed incredulity, questioning why the subcommittee was even summoned if it was already stepped over.“Subcommittees have responsibilities. You cannot set up a subcommittee and it does not function, because you are not allowing the marketing subcommittee to do its work. My first subcommittee meeting I attended since the board was set up in July 2015, was the one called weeks ago when we were given the contract for the first time, already signed.”The sentiments expressed by both the Millers association and Rahman follow calls from Pegasus owner and Guyana Stockfeeds Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Robert Badal, for Hassan to be sacked for hindering the sector.

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