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Adidas Nmd Shoes For Sale having teachers recruited from the area itself









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發表於 2018-6-21 03:43:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Kwakwani Secondary School on Tuesday celebrated its fortieth anniversary, with a special ceremony in the school’s auditorium, where students and teachers – both past and present – and special invitees including leader of the Opposition David Granger, and Chairman of Region10 Sharma Solomon, gathered and reflected on the school’s history and performance over the years, and past and present Heads and outstanding Teachers were honoured and given tokens of appreciation.Resident Jocelyn Morian was also honoured for his contributions to the school.A brief history of the school was given by a former Head mistress, and several areas of achievement were highlighted, especially in the area of sports. However, it was lamented that most of the school’s achievements have always been ‘played down’.The Kwakwani Secondary School, which was officially opened on October 2nd 1972, was also at one time, a community High School before it was reverted to Kwakwani Secondary. The first headmaster was Mr. Arthur Brown.It was the first, and remains the only Secondary School in the community.Built by self-help, with the collaboration of the Reynolds Bauxite Company,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Womens, which provided technical assistance and the electrical installation, the school commenced with fifty-six students, but the population would grow to ninety-six by 1997.One of the greatest challenges faced by the remote Region Ten school was attracting teachers, and especially,Cheap NFL Jerseys, having teachers recruited from the area itself, it was reported.However, today Kwakwani has a complement of twenty-six teachers, of which most of the seniors are from the Kwakwani area, and all are trained. There are 513 students.Kwakwani Secondary has grown from strength to strength, and will continue to grow, according to its present headmistress,Cheap Air Max Shoes, Pam Adrian.Adrian proudly asserted that in September 2011, the school moved from a Grade C to Grade B, and is presently expanding its curriculum.Opposition Leader David Granger in his brief remarks said it was a very significant year for Region 10 – a year of self-determination – and added that it was very significant to be at a school that came about as a result of ‘self-determination.’ Granger also underscored the importance of education,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and exhorted the students to remain in school, and not to give up, as there are too many young illiterates in the country.He exhorted,Argentina National Soccer Team Jerseys, “It is you that have to take over this country,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, so you have to prepare yourselves, and you can only prepare yourselves through education.”Regional chairman Sharma Solomon, urged the students to develop good attitudes and to practice harmony. He congratulated both students and teachers, and urged them to continue striving for excellence.He said that he was privileged and honoured to be amongst those celebrating the fortieth milestone of the institution.

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